Monthly Archives: September 2013

Tennis with Scooter

Today I am grateful for:

– This guy named Scooter who is patiently and freely helping me improve my tennis game

– Being able to run around a tennis court

– Today’s serenity (this too shall pass and likely return)

– A great book I am reading on self confidence.  One interesting thing the author said that resonated with me is:  You already have confidence, but unfortunately this confidence is in the fact that you have no confidence

– My wife and twin daughters, and Louie the cat

creative people and vacuum cleaner bags

Very Grateful for

God’s Faithfulness

Tiny, baby pumpkins at the store

A kind audience

A client who paid

Vacuum cleaner bags

Meeting a woman who glows at age 91

New glasses with UV protection built into the lens

Meeting a very creative person


A very encouraging email from Garrett

We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth. ~George Bernard Shaw


  1. A hummingbird darted over to my zinnias
  2. Clean, lavender-scented floors
  3. Exactly what I needed at the right time
  4. Watching my daughter watch the trees rustle in the wind
  5. Drawing, if only for a minute
  6. Re-reading the Harry Potter books, perfect fall reading
  7. Which inspired me to make savory pumpkin pasties for Michaelmas this weekend
  8. And if I find golden syrup, one of these days I’ll tackle tracle tart
  9. Sending mail
  10. This

Good Enough

Today I am grateful for:

– Knowing I am good enough.  Knowing I will forget I am good enough.  And knowing I can remember again.

– Being able to take twin daughters to a toddler fun class at the local early childhood center.

– How my wife pokes fun at me in a loving way.

– The spiritual experience I had yesterday (now why can’t I replicate it today!!)

– Family

Focus on Gratitude

Today I am grateful for:

-The local garage who fixed our leaking car tire for $15.  Did not need a new tire and only took 30 minutes.

-Being able to focus on gratitude and abundance.  Received some frustrating news regarding a needed home repair and was able to realize that this was not fatal news, and remebered that we got the tire fixed.

-Playing in the yard with my Mom and twin daughters.

-Dad’s light and fun mood today.


Bushel and a Peck

  1. My hilarious husband
  2. That he makes me laugh almost every day
  3. Going to an apple orchard today as a family
  4. We bought a bushel!
  5. Daughter got to see her grandma today, who radiates love
  6. Happy, tired feeling
  7. Postcard from a friend arrived today
  8. More fun projects than I can choose from
  9. Life
  10. This

Gifts and Laughter

Very grateful and excited that my sense of taste seems to be returning, although my nurses didn’t think it would.

Also excited that the top of my head is getting a little fuzzy.  New hair is appearing! Another thing the nurses didn’t think would happen.  Hooray!

Remembering that every challenge carries a gift for me to discover.

Kari was in the hospital this week, but is back on the road to good health.  I’m very grateful for that!

Nice to have Kari with us, at our home. for a few days while she recuperated.

Thankful for Kylia’s willingness to drive me wherever I need to go.

So wonderful to receive a surprise phone call from my nephew, Mark, in Florida.  No matter what is going on in Mark’s life, he always has time for his family.

Grateful for my brother, Gary and his son, Gary Michael.  They can always make me laugh.

I love the phone calls from my sister, Faun.   We always have a lot to talk about, and plenty of laughs.

So glad that I received the gift of humor from my family.  It makes challenges bearable, brightens my mood, and enlivens every conversation and every gathering.