Monthly Archives: August 2017


Grateful for lots of time with son Charlie and his Liz. Accommodating to the old folks, happy to see us and show us their city again. Grateful for Wlter, the dog, who accepted us again with one sniff and a lick “Where ya been?”… Prayers for Texas and grateful for all those present who are helping the weakest among them. Grateful for a big city that while different, is still the same with people on porches , kids on bikes, and everyone welcoming. Amen

Now thank we all our God!

The power of a hurricane.The power of wind and flood. My prayers for the people of Texas.

Peoples response to a catastrophe. It puts things in perspective.

Brother can you spare a twenty? Happy to help.

I have so many clothes. Sorting into work,Church , comfy and casual.

I’ll be offering my daughter blouses and pants I used to wear to Church and imagining her reaction. LOL

Last Thanksgiving I bought my first leggings. Now have a dozen pair. Grateful for a new style.

Spending the day sorting through the kitchen. If she with the most toys wins, I’ve got it cornered.

Sunset walk as I begin Chautauqua training. Taking the next two weeks to walk the hills to prepare for the trek to the lake over there.

Meeting for retreat. Grateful we can go. Grateful I can go. Grateful to be part of the committee.  Grateful for everything retreat.Grateful for this day.


Gratitudes Aug 20 – 26, 2017

Sun Aug 20, good meeting, progress at work, productive shopping, refreshing swim  at pool, good meals, conversations with friends and family.

  1. Mon Aug 21, progress at work, good meals, conversations.
  2. Tue Aug 22, prayers answered, pleasant walks to and from work, made it to the bank before it closed, progress at work, good meals, conversations.
  3. Wed Aug 23,  pleasant walks to and from work, good meals, conversations, cheerful help from co-workers.
  4. Thur Aug 24, helpful talk with boss, progress at work, pleasant lunch outside, good walks, good meals, conversations, cheerful help from co-workers.
  5. Fri Aug 25, three small but significant miracles for me: (1) made it to a 9 a.m. event early without caffeine, and stayed awake through it; (2) was inspired to compliment someone who I had believed had slighted me, she accepted the compliment, and I felt I had released the grudge I had been carrying, (3) obtained a bid on a stalled  project after being inspired to reach out to the business community online rather than continuing to try to solve the issue myself..  Other good events today, but those 3  really stood out.  I thank God and my GA for blessing received!!!
  6. Sat Aug 27, household organizing progress, good walks, productive shopping, good meals, sunny day, conversation with friend, bed early.


Happy for the rain here but praying for or those in Texas.

The fresh smell in the air thus morning.

A great meeting last night.

My son having a great time at the State Fair and the Nickelback concert a couple days ago and getting home safe.

That I have other options besides my laptop to post when it breaks down.


Sobriety and not smoking.

Life. Continue reading Rain


Grateful for friendly people in new and different cities. Continental breakfast free!!! All the raisin Bran I can eat . Prayer for Texas, keep folks safe. Grateful for a workout room in hotel….free water bottles everywhere. Grateful to see son Charlie and his Liz and dog Walter. Fully integrated residents of Brooklyn. Please God, help someone find him for a job. Grateful for the churches I see everywhere around me. Someone hoes there, and I’m grateful. Amen

Little joys

Singing as this choir one last time. Under new leadership we will change and change is good. Looking forward to practice.

Finding out Liz is singing Sunday. Love those pipes.

The chance to do  one more dinner at  Battered Women. 65 people now! God bless them and keep them safe.

Thanks to Ann, an organizer and Barb,who gets things done.

Is it possible Luigi’s is  cash only? Looking forward to a meal with my lasanga makers. Make,bake, take and AH! Then back to Church for Governing board. Busy day!

Ordered bulbs for home and Church. In a bulb there is a promise. Amazing all the colors.

Did you ever hear of tulip seeds? Intriguing!

Hubby’s good Dr’s appointment. He told the cat he was worried.

Finding out I have dental insurance.

Realizing I should be grateful for now.




Cold diet Coke with ice. Cable TV on. Napping husband. Great lunch. Grateful beyond words for these simple things that so many do not have. Birth has put me in this position. God and hard work has kept me there. “There but for the grace of God , go I”. Never forget, and be Grateful.

“Notting” Instead Of “Having”

(An old journal entry…which ultimately resulted in dropping some “notting” and adding regular “having”, as the foundation for ongoing happiness!)

After being a huge advocate of appreciating what you have instead of seeing all that you don’t have or how far one falls below one’s ideal, I caught myself doing the opposite…the opposite of gratitude, of “having”. I went into “not having”.

I was not having all the progress I wanted. I was not having great energy at night, but I was “having” overwatching of tv (political commentary programs) and idly eating. I was not getting as much writing done as I wanted to. I was not being super-strong, super-powerful…able to leap tall buildings in a single bound… I was not even being what I thought was productive enough. I was not…

I was “notting” myself toward not feeling so happy.

Here I am trying to be an expert in this – and finding that even I am subject to the laws if I violate the process... (shucks)

But now I see that I can accept and just live my life as it is, with beautiful days to be appreciated, looking at great views, reading some wonderful books, discovering some wonderful things – and at the pace that is my pace for now. Yes, I’d prefer something magnificent and being a model of perfect living, but I see that what I am doing and how I am living is a wonderful gift – and I need not compare it to fantasyland.

I’m glad I saw this and wasn’t just stuck in it, in just being unaware…

It need not be more. It is more than enough. I am grateful, deeply grateful. Life is phenomenal.

I am so grateful for the special chance to be alive.

I’m happy.


Yesterday, I didn’t live a full 24 hours, though I did exist. I did live some hours though and was deeply touched by a movie (The Help). So what, if I was human and lived only part of the potential… That is just what is so. But what is great is that I did live at least a few of the hours, a few at a higher level and some not so high – but all a gift – all something I might not have had if I hadn’t been born.

And…I’m grateful deep within my heart and soul…and life is good…

Act One

Try again. Scene one. Take two!

Beginnings. Endings. The in between.

Early morning. Awake and ready. This precious time to myself.

Cat is staring at me. Sending messages “Feed the cat.”

Three cats own us. Must have sent one as an ambassador. Hey gang, he is grooming not making demands.

Hubby still sleeping I will have to wake him soon as he has  to be somewhere at 9.

Perfect temperature in the room.

Miracles, synchronicity, and serendipity.

Thank you Lord that Jennifer is  responding to treatment.

Piles from sorting. Bless this mess!