Monthly Archives: April 2011

AKA GeekCamp

1. A great day at PodCamp Cleveland!
2. Meeting amazing people
3. Joking behind the scenes on Twitter
4. I actually scored a granola bar via Twitter, too!
5. Had a fantastic presentation with Norma Rist, we had a captive, interactive audience
6. I got to see so many of my favorite Akron businesswomen, we are a tribe to be reckoned with
7. You know that feeling when you’re so excited you can’t stop smiling and you’re talking too fast, and you know you should slow down but you’re just too excited? That was me today.
8. Being paperless in 2011 (I’m committed to using as little paper as possible this year, so I don’t take or give out business cards, etc- I put info right into my phone) opened a ton of conversations and made people ask me how it was possible.
9. My husband left me an “I love you” note for when I got home
10. “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” Jane Howard


1. This quote: “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Keonig

2. Mary Ellen’s “Look for the signs!” list!

3. Inspirational quotes and thoughts.

4. “In the journey, open your eyes, learn from your experiences and move forward.” MaryEllenNeitz

The Zahir by Paulo Coelho

1. Mary Ellen’s “Look for the signs!” list!
2. Signs!
3. Little fasts that make me feel clear-headed and full of energy
4. Long, contemplative walks
5. Unexpected extra time
6. The Zahir by Paulo Coelho (4th of his books I’ve read this week)- at first I thought this was going to be the lesser of all I’d read, but then it turned out to be more relevant and beautiful than the rest
7. Saying what needs to be said
8. Looking at things differently
9. Seeing incredible photographs at the Summit Art Space by Gene Goebel – oh, and there was other art there too;)
10. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Keonig

Just the Comic Relief I needed

1.Finding a mustache in the closet- seriously, we’re packing for a move and today I found a “Six Way Mustache: Shape it as you like” still in the package! (No one knows where it came from! -LOL)

2.Zoom-by chickadees (is it wrong to automatically hear cartoon sound effects in my head?)

3.My man referring to his indiscriminate Nutella-slathering as “enhancement”

4.Bonding with the only other two people in the theatre

5.Totally black (and maybe even a little moldy) plantains- Sweetest.  Ever.


7.Getting things done ahead of time

8.Tank tops that fit your body perfectly

9.Finally meeting someone you’ve heard about for a loooong time

10.Making up dance moves

this grateful day….

1. seeing the joy of others

2. hopeful beginnings

3. sharing  the happiest moments

4. the WOW of people, places, and things

5. a helping hand

6. home brewed Cappuccino

7. government intervention during disasters

8. helpful caring neighbors

9. opportunity to rebuild, for renewal

10. love’s power, now….

Look for the signs!

1. STOP and appreciate your  history and your companions!

2. YIELD to the greater power!

3.STOP, LOOK and LISTEN for sights you might overlook.

4. Watch your SPEED LIMIT for going too fast is counterproductive.

5. Sometimes there is ONE WAY to navigate a problem. Usually there is at least TWO WAYs.

6. MERGE- depend on your companions on the journey. Coexist!

7. A DETOUR may be an avenue of adventure.

8. The will be an occasional CURVE as we were not promised straight or flat roads.

9. ROAD CLOSED -trust the detour or reprogram your GPS. Dn’t give up hope!

10. In the journey, open your eyes, learn from your experiences and move forward.