1. How humor and laughter took me through a dark chapter.
2. The curious kitten getting her head stuck in a KFC mashed potato container.
3. The lights going out in the Church as if on cue during the Easter sermon.
4. My quip that got the minister back on track.
5. His ad lib that made people chuckle.
6. A pen that burst apart when I used it at a meeting at Church. It gave me the giggles every time I looked at it.
7. Getting caught by my daughter sneaking a cigarette. I felt about 12.
8.Planning for a Laughing Club presentation called the Giggle Box.
9. World Laughter Day is Sunday at 3 at Hardesty Park, West Market St, in Akron. Come enjoy the power and fun of a Laughing Circle.
10. Opening my eyes to see the gifts of the universe.