1. Just trying to figure out all the in and outs of my MP 4 player. It does more than I thought but since I’m not technological I deleted a song trying to turn it off.
2. Why do worry about money? There is always enough.
3. Why do things have to cost so much? A bump on a car door will have to be turned into insurance but at least we have insurance.
4. Just wondering why life is so complicated. Like waves on the ocean things settle down and then swell.
5. Just wondering why life is so busy at times.
6. Thinking about things I’m sad about and trying to see the silver linings
7. Hypersensitivity and being glad I’m not most the time.
8. What word would I put on my shirt that defines me and holds me back? (This idea is from Glee last night.) What is my power word?
9. Why do people say hurtful things when they love you?
10. The power of journaling I will discuss all my issues with someone who knows me and loves me, ME.!