1. Training new WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) facilitators this week in Mansfield, Ohio
2. my co-facilitator is my dear friend Jean
3. meeting caring people from all over the state of Ohio
4. finding out about their good works and ambitions for helping other people — hooray!
5. we are all so tender, it is a miracle to get to know people as they reveal their personalities
6. it was such a relief to find out that the food for lunch was delicious
7. this was the first time that I have ever planned a training in advance — food, hotel, scholarships, etc. Usually, I just show up and facilitate.
8. it was such a treat to meet everyone after email and phone contact, and reading their applications
9. when this training is over, there will be 20 new WRAP facilitators to help people in starting their own WRAPs
10. it is such a privilege to be part of this community of amazing people — hallejuah!
WRAP is so awesome and such a useful life development tool…be well Carol