Monthly Archives: June 2011

1. Taking a long walk after it’s rained
2. Really wonderful girlfriends
3. New women to get to know and love
4. Watching a friend get excited about what she’s learning
5. Unexpected down time
6. Moving through low periods
7. Fresh blueberries
8. All-over-the-map gratitude
9. My phone fully drying out after the rainstorm
10. Today, and as James says, now.

Where there is love…

Thank God for all of you and your lists, there is just no way for me to stay in a “funky” mood after reading through them!  The listing, Belle, all of you…the effect this energizes within me – this is love.

1.  God’s love permeates every cell in my body, every thought, word, action and deed – heart, spirit, soul.

2.  My son – who has the most joyful and silly sense of humor.

3.  Abby – is there anything more loving than a big furry friend, who waits at the top of the steps just for me every day.

4.  Joey – the voice I hear saying “I love you” first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.

5.  Bobbette – one of the most loving people I have ever met – a wise and soulful woman, who possesses a spirit so large and joyous that it fills a room and is contageous.

6.  Laura – who is a very dear friend and whose intentions are loving.  Her laugh lights up a room.

7.  Terry – she is the most honest person, and very passionate, she is the person that I might not speak with or see for many moons and when I do, it is like I did yesterday.

8.  All the people that I work with – each of them a guiding light.

9.  All of you – compassionate, honest, loving, spirited individuals who remind me that positivity abounds.

10. Me – a loving, honest, bright and shiny woman, a healer.  I finally recognize that in loving and celebrating myself that I inadvertently teach others to do the same.

Spiral Out – Keep Moving!

1.  thanks to Helen for inspiring me with her list of “Pushing Through and Pressing On”

2.  sometimes when I get to feeling bogged down, I feel like everyone else out there is moving along merrily!

3.  it’s good to remember that we all need to inspire ourselves in various ways!

4.  when I get overwhelmed, I don’t perform very well, but when I keep on moving forward, I do much better!

5.  I like the idea of spiral out (which came from a Zentangle challenge) because it is rare that we move swiftly from one point to another

6.  I was just getting to the point where I have so many things to do that my “to do” lists are getting lost!

7.  I know I am blessed to have such an active life, but sometimes I want to sleep in, read a bit, take a walk, and chill out!

8.  Yesterday I started fixing up the balcony at my office — black-eyed Susan vines, hot pink geraniums, begonias, and in process — a delightful fairy garden!  Hooray!

9.  Taking time out renews my energy.

10.  Tomorrow is a huge luau party at my son and daughter-in-law’s, so that will be festive, fun, and silliness!