Monthly Archives: July 2011

Science and Spirit Gratitude

1. Making lists
2. Getting things done
3. When the right research comes to you at the right time
4. Flowers
5. That big natural source of vitamin D
6. Have I mentioned Madeleine Peyroux?
7. Science
8. Spirit
9. The fact that they’re not separate
10. “Anybody who has been seriously engaged is scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.'” -Max Planck

Five Year Old Gratitude

1. A completely unexpected note in the mail today supporting WLG- thank you Helen!
2. A completely unexpected phone call from a fellow creative writer, sharing a great idea! I can’t wait until she executes it!
3. A great chat with my aunt, she’s so encouraging and uplifting, I love knowing her
4. Finding a great resource online
5. The way creativity flows when I’m not distracting myself with novels and blogs (okay, I did go off the wagon a bit, but it’s so much more satisfying to be on!)
6. I just discovered this other talk Brene Brown gave- even deeper than the first one
7. Being grateful for the ordinary moments
8. Eucalyptus stalks in the living room- ah! I had forgotten how much I love those
9. Being as aware and curious as a five year old, even of everyday surroundings (try it- it’s fun!)
10. Crawling under the dining room table to check it out. Remember doing that when you were a kid? Have you checked out the underside of your dining room table lately? Mine has carved hanging edges so it feels like I’m in an ancient caravan or under a wooden canopy.


  1. Encouragement…pass it on
  2. These oh so beautiful days of blue blue skies, abundant sunshine, fragrance of pine trees early in the morning
  3. All of the fairs, stampedes, rodeos
  4. People’s laughs…low, soft, loud, high pitched, giggly, contagious :)
  5. Renewing car license
  6. Being able to help someone
  7. Hugs from my sister
  8. Healing
  9. Our mouse is kaput…glad we had another!
  10. “We are not here for a long time…just a good time!” -anonymous

In the midst of it all

1. God

2. Encouragement from Carol L

3. Eric, who helped David

4. David acknowledging his bad behavior toward Hannah and showing a willingness to change

5. Ellen’s invitation even as she is in crisis

6. Tina acknowledging her fear

7. Mike is a genial fellow

8. Fresh corn

9. Being able to say yes

10. “You can’t stop what’s coming.  Things aren’t waiting on you.  That’s vanity.” the old sheriff to Tommy Lee Jones in No Country for Old Men


1. My son and I had a minor car accident today…I am so grateful that it was indeed, minor. All is well…and it wasn’t my fault.

2. Paramedics…Wow. What a special person it must take to do that job. I am grateful for their patience and understanding while I was having a full blown panic attack.

3. My husband…He always answers my calls, and hearing his voice makes me feel better.

4. My sweet boy…Nine years old and he handles me like a champ!

5. My friend Tiffany…She offered to bring us dinner, and when I told her we had leftovers, she still showed up to check on us.

6. Using the opportunity to show her my newest creations…

7. Being really proud of my work

8. Peggy, the wonderful woman that does our cranio sacral…She’s going to work on us tomorrow, even though it’s her day off.

9. Being curled up on the couch and snuggling with my dog…I am so grateful for her!

10. My parents…Knowing that they would be here if I asked them to be. That’s such a comfort.

Simple gifts

1. God

2. A chair massage from Mary

3. A yoga class with Eileen

4. Betsy making it all happen

5. People who have my back

6. Racheal asking about me

7. Kind comments on the list about my brother

8. Enjoying the summer while it lasts

9. Green tea

10. A glass

Morning Happinesses

1.  Getting out of bed before the alarm goes off!

2.  Remembering right away that my PowerPoint for my presentation for a conference next week is finally done

3.  Waking up without a headache!  Hooray!

4.  Remembering to laugh to “Roll Out the Carol” — lolololol

5.   Checking my blog since I posted last night and for no reason, looking back at old posts and finding a wonderful comment from a terrific woman in Brazil (Brasil) where I used to live as a child!

6.  Finding the perfect sock monkey card to send to a dear friend who is having a tough time.  Sock monkeys always make it better!

7,  Being able to get onto post here right away — sometimes my password is denied.  Yahoo, I’m here!

8.  My message from – quirky, fun, and unusual wisdom from the Universe.  Yesterday it said that it’s not that I worry — it’s that I care — well, hooray for that!  I always worry about worrying!  Now I can just stop and know that I am just caring!  Yahoo!  Yippee!

9.   Knowing that I am the back-up lunch date for my 94 year old Dad — that is unless he is out on an afternoon adventure with his 64 year old girlfriend — gotta love the guy!

10.  Last week when I was looking at people’s blogs from all over the world for the fairy Zentangle challenge at , there was an “I Love Gratitude” link on one of the blogs!  Hooray!

Have a great day filled with gratitude — prayers for those in need, blessings to everyone!


A day off…

For these blessings I am grateful~

  1. A day off
  2. Followed by two more days off
  3. My friend, Norri and I found out we are reading the same book, even though we live 2000 miles away from each other, a happy coincidence
  4. Time on the ball machine today
  5. My neighborhood during a weekday
  6. Running through the sprinklers (again)
  7. The thought, “how great it would be if all problems could be batted away” like the balls from the ball machine
  8. Maybe they can… :)
  9. a day off…

Something of God…flows into us from the blue of the sky, the taste of honey, the delicious embrace of water….” ~ C.S. Lewis in Scraps

Movement Gratitude

1. Madeleine Peyroux’s “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go”
2. Inspiration
3. Finally listening to what Spirit was trying to say
4. The difference a day makes
5. People who take pride in their work
6. The way my heart is so much smarter than my brain
7. Jean’s list about pioneers and impassable roads… ahh, memories of living in Montana
8. The forward-thinking, go-getter energy of the east coast
9. Remembering to rest when that begins to be movement for movement’s sake
10. “Many a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased.” -John Steinbeck