There are times when I struggle to remain in contact with the endless list of things to be grateful for. I know they are always there, always with me, and yet, according to my “mood” or circumstances – I experience a barrier that keeps me from feeling them. Today is one of those days. So, today these are the things that I noticed and felt…
- Abby waking me up to remind me that I need to walk.
- The quiet moments in the morning, when I’m outside and can hear the birds singing all through the neighborhood.
- Cold watermelon for breakfast.
- Remembering, even in the face of the duldrums – to help someone else.
- Conversations with BJ.
- An unexpected invitation.
- The wealth of talent, skills, abilities and passion I witness from my co-workers.
- Getting this giant fly out of my office (ugh!)
- Yesterdays drumming circle demonstration – what fun we had!
- God