1. I’m having so much fun tonight over at Creative Spiritual Women, I almost forgot to write my gratitude list!
2. Today felt stressful, but when I was in the middle of journalling about it and figuring it out, a miracle happened
3. Someone reached out to me and said she was having less-than-awesome day too. Connecting over it made it lighter for me (and hopefully her)
4. I was immediately inspired to work on the community part of CSW- where women can connect over things like this
5. Thanks to cool web programs, I was able to have the tech part up and running within an hour (seriously? unheard of)
6. It’s amazing how everything fits together when I’m honoring the Muses, the creative impulses, and not saying, “who, me? I can’t do that. Find someone better.”
7. A friend said to me today, “When are you going to write a book about being paperless?” (I’m doing an experiment this year- using no paper (or as little as possible) in 2011)
8. I love it when the muses speak through friends, so clear and easily understood
9. My totally stressful day turned into being inspired and productive- I have the community up, 1500 words written of my paperless book, and here I am, finishing my gratitude list
10. Thank you, Muses!