Grateful for Hope, Courage, and Kindness!

1. getting unexpected flowers from the altar on Sunday from my friend Kathy!

2. being at Unity on 9/11 was the right way to start my day

3. watching TV over the weekend — stories of bravery, compassion, grief, and love

4.  knowing that humans reach out to each other all the time, in big ways, and little ways

5.  courage and kindness are happening all the time

6.  it’s amazing how our lives can change in the course of a second, minute, or hour

7.  watching the Jacqueline Kennedy special last night, with her recorded observations of Camelot

8.  Camelot was the time of my youth, optimism in politics, and hope for the future

9.  I felt that again when I campaigned for Obama

10.  Hope seems to come and go, but in reality — it is always there!  It is up to us to cultivate it in every way we can.

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