Monthly Archives: November 2011

Love and Good Reports

Very grateful for

The beautiful photo of Love at Creative Spiritual Women

Marilyn’s invitation to hear David Cook, author of “7 Days in Uptopia” speak


Time to journal

Dad’s good report at the doctor

Mom’s good report at the doctor

Returning home to Amelia making pies

Tiny pumpkins, hollowed out, holding tea lights

And more tea lights nestled in vases of coffee beans

Hope is the sun which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. ~Samuel Smiles

John Steinbeck…did you know?..

  1. Small blizzards all day…
  2. …beautiful soft huge snowflakes…
  3. …the kind we love for Christmas Eve
  4. Baking banana bread for GPa
  5. Hot homemade beef stew on a snowy day
  6. Refurbishing my Mother’s lovely antique chair
  7. Coldwater Creek’s Tuscany soy candle..yummy fragrance
  8. Learning to help Pepper have a good quality of life, keeping her active with her growing sightlessness…
  9. …taking her outside in the snow, wearing her warmest sweater, she’s always been such a trouper :)
  10. I didn’t know John Steinbeck said this..did you?  “I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition and even some affection. But with Montana, it is love.” -John Steinbeck

Sunshine and Support

Very grateful for

Leaves crunching under my shoes when I’ am walking

The way the morning air is so different from evening air– not only in temperature but also in texture

The medicine that is healing Ruby

Marilyn’s recovery after surgery

Garrett’s kind, quick, and supportive email

This article from Garrett: 26 ways to create more cash in 6 months

A nice audience

Chips with melted cheese

Watching the football game with dad, holding hands

I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.
Nathaniel Hawthorne


1. I was able to run a half marathon.

2. The organisation of the half marathon.

3. The confetti at the start.

4. People standing there ready with drinks and fruit every 5 km.

5. People watching, and cheering you on. (People you don’t know at all).

6. 2 Running mates who were waiting at the beginning of a Park and ran a few km along.

7. Other running mates (from the start to run club) standing at the beginning of the park to cheer us on. They were standing there with 15. It was a AWESOME!

8. Inge and Els who were also doing the half marathon, and run at the same pace.

9. My mom and one of my bosses standing somewhere near the end to cheer me on.

10. My dad standing ready with a warm jacket at the finish line.


1. Military discounts…always appreciated

2. Being under 200 days on our countdown to my husband being DONE!!!

3. Knowing that when he leaves today, he’ll be home Friday night

4. Having him home the last two weeks…

5. Doing my first art/craft show, and having a really cool set up

6. Hearing lots of positive feedback on my work

7. Learning a lot from the experience

8. Meeting lots of neat people

9. Having help

10. Love

1. God

2. Belle’s kind encouragement

3. Also Liz

4. change in attitude

5. More warm days

6. A photo album

7. Quiet

8. Joe opening the door and turning on the lights

9. John bringing good news of PWK

10. Being on time, struggled with that recently

Flow Gratitude

  1. HeartMath
  2. Love
  3. Creating a life of flow (flow is no resistance)
  4. Accepting and welcoming change
  5. “The heart has its own independent nervous system —a complex system referred to as “the brain in the heart.” This system receives and relays information back to the brain in the head, creating a two-way communication between heart and brain.” -HeartMath
  6. Ease
  7. Breath
  8. Gratitude
  9. Presence
  10. Awareness


Sun gratitude

1. God

2. Kate and Josh hosting us

3. How much Josh enjoys cooking

4. Exciting things for Christa

5. Soothing creams

6. Music streaming via the internet

7. Comfortable chairs

8. Smiles

9. David telling me he has a plan for school that seems workable with reasonable consequences

10.   “Again the sun!
anew each day; and new and new and new,
that comes into and steadies my soul.”  Marianne Moore, the Pangolin