Very grateful for~
Reminders of God all around, especially because of the holidays
Jacqui’s new blog, The Sacred Yes
Walking to the grocery store instead of driving
Ted Bateman (1935-12/20/2011)
Time to page through previous journals
Lunch with Carrie
Discovering that Dad can get to sleep and sleeps longer when classical music is playing
Friends I have never met here at WLG
A file of nurturing quotes from Carol
Belle’s post on Strees-free holiday-ing
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~Maya Angelou, shared by Carol Bailey Floyd
I’m sorry to read of your friend’s passing, Helen, and grateful for your gratitude
Thank you, Garrett: His funeral was this morning and last night I learned that he was a WWII veteran…amazing@