Monthly Archives: December 2011

It’s almost Christmas Eve…

1. Rising early after staying up late and waiting for my husband

2. Having our family complete

3. Waking up to my dog :)

4. Enjoying the quiet while being the only one up…Sitting in dim lights of the Christmas tree and sipping on a cup of coffee.

5. In all the hustle and bustle and holiday stress, encountering nice and friendly people in the stores yesterday. I myself am not stressing…I gave that up a few years ago. :)

6. It’s a Wonderful Life…One of my favorite movies ever. We bought it to watch on Christmas Eve.

7. My neighbor stopped me and told me that he heard how awesome my dyes have gotten, and that he wants one. That was a great compliment! He’s seen them from the beginning, and I did not start out so good!

8. Getting things done…

9. Seeing my husband making plans for his retirement…He’s got passion!

10. Saying goodbye to sugar

Happy Anniversary…

1. Today, my husband and I have been married for 11 years!

2. He’s in another state, as he has been for the majority of our anniversaries, but this should be the last time. :)

3. Next year at this time he will be RETIRED!!!

4. Surviving the Army…

5. Shopping with my boy…He’s the best company!

6. Our across the street neighbors, Tom and Cheryl

7. Easy conversations

8. Being honest about my shortcomings :)

9. Prayer

10. Loving and being loved

New Things and Memories

Very grateful for~

Reminders of God all around, especially because of the holidays
Jacqui’s new blog, The Sacred Yes
Walking to the grocery store instead of driving
Ted Bateman (1935-12/20/2011)
Time to page through previous journals
Lunch with Carrie
Discovering that Dad can get to sleep and sleeps longer when classical music is playing
Friends I have never met here at WLG
A file of nurturing quotes from Carol
Belle’s post on Strees-free holiday-ing

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~Maya Angelou, shared by Carol Bailey Floyd


1. The oddly warm weather

2. Mailing off a special surprise

3. Giving

4. Kindness

5. Interesting conversations

6. Our dear friend came home from Iraq today, just in time to spend Christmas with his wife and son!

7. My dog is such a joy

8. Menu planning

9. I found $31.00 in a pair of pants that I haven’t seen in a while

10. My husband is coming home for five days

Walking with Dvorak

Very grateful for~

Allowing myself, on this significant day from my past, to indulge in one guilty pleasure
pictures of the ocean
Dvorak Symphony #9 Adagio
Sheldon Cooper
long walks to the post office mailbox
this shortest day (thanks Jean!)

And that is fine with me, because the great thing about wandering around in the fog is that you never know what you might run into. ~ Billie Coffey


shortest day

Today is the shortest day of the year…grateful for it because the days will be getting longer and more light!

Met a lady at Costco who had four huge huge huge bags of dog food in her cart…we smiled at each other and I said “we have a miniature schnauzer”…I think she has St. Bernards!!

Garrett’s mention of the “southern accent” reminded me of the lovely accents of my family members who live in the south.  I love hearing all of our various “accents”…from “y’all” to my neighbor’s “pahk the cahr” (he’s from Maine).  Thanks for the memories, Garrett!

GPa’s abundant gifts of appreciation from his school bus children and their parents.

My precious granddaughter who left her teens and became 20 this week..she had some anxiety with it…imagine that :):)

Belle’s “How to get what you really want” !!!

Love is Everywhere at Christmas!

“Gratitude is a twofold love — love coming to visit us, and love running out to greet a welcome guest.”  – Henry Dyke

1.  Christmas has been so wonderful this year, that if it were over now, it would still be the best Christmas ever!  Wow!

2.  My daughter drives a very old car that needs attention, and I got her a certificate for a car detailing from a place that does an amazing job!  Yippee!

3.  There is a secret photo book in the making that will be a big surprise.

4.  I got the CDs of my sister Barb’s interviews — since she passed over 3 years ago, we haven’t heard her voice.  I am giving out eight 3 CD sets.  It is a miracle to hear her talking and laughing.  A true Christmas miracle.  This is the best Christmas present I have ever given.

5.  I couldn’t find my Christmas music, so I downloaded my own favorites on iTunes individually and made a playlist.  Fabulous!

6.  My friend had surgery Monday and it went really well, and is going to make the quality of her life better.

7.  Last night, my friend Jean gave me a gorgeous, handblown crystal heart — oh me, oh my!  Yippee!

8.  My son has invited me out for an adventure tonight.  Spending time with people I love is what I really love the best — at Christmas and for the whole year.

9.  We got the proofs back from the family portraits.  What a wonderful sight!

10.  My boss sent me an amazing email of appreciation this morning.

Holiday greetings to my gratitude friends.  God bless us, every one!