Monthly Archives: May 2012

Park Gratitude


  1. Going to the park
  2. A late Mother’s Day lunch with my mother-in-law
  3. We Were Promised Jetpacks (band)
  4. Lists
  5. Training my thoughts
  6. The way we only feel what we think
  7. Everyone who desires to help others
  8. Not taking this illusory life personally
  9. The magic of form
  10. Love

1. God

2. Helen’s Gratitude pinboard

3. An invitation from Jim S.

4. A pretty ride past old houses, a village green, a parkway

5. The moment after telling a true story when I felt it inside, waves through me, like I was there again

6. And knowing I don’t have to go back there

7. Putting plants in pots

8. Herb garden

9. Plant food

10. Hoses, and water flowing where it is needed

11. Jenn

12. Cassie


Very Grateful for~

God’s reassurances
cold medicine for Amelia
planting basil starter plants
the fragrance that stays on my hands
fresh squash
high ceilings

If my next step is not a mystery, I am going the wrong way.

1. God

2. A great conference with colleagues

3. Seeing Erika after nearly twenty years

4. People who make things happen

5. Barbara and Melissa running a terrific program based on a simple idea

6. Charles’s southern drawl and big smile

7. Barbecue outside

8. Skewered vegetables

9. Bill dropping by

10. Fire pit

11. The return of the irises

1. God

2. There are lifetimes in Lindsey’s writing

3. Sunny day on the quad

4.The people I don’t know who post records on YouTube I like

5. Cut grass

6.Weekend plans

7. Cassie got a new paperweight (what she calls a mobile phone, because she seldom answers)

8. Looking forward to seeing colleagues at a conference today

9. That some dreams are just dreams

10. Blankets

1. God

2. Cassie’s generosity

3. Working with David E.,  who has a great sense of humor and reading about his extensive visits to Civil War battlefields

4. Kathy’s willingness to help

5. Likewise Pat

6. Fuchsia colored rhododendron

7. Hearing what I needed to hear

8. Chris’s understanding

9. Margin of error

10. We Love Gratitude