Monthly Archives: July 2012

High School Reunion Gratitudes

1.  This weekend was the “Class of 65 turns 65” birthday reunion.

2.  Firestone High School – Akron, Ohio

3.  Friday night was terrific, and seeing people I hadn’t seen in over twenty years was wonderful.

4.  So many classmates became writers and teachers!  Hooray!

5.  The shrimp at the party on Friday night were HUGE!

6.  At first I was a little apprehensive, but knew it would end up to be fun if I started out cheerfully!

7.  Saturday morning — a trip to our old high school which is being torn down soon.

8.  Then a trip to Swenson’s, a drive-in restaurant, where we took the place by storm!

9.  Next onto Mary Coyle’s, a local ice cream parlor — some people hadn’t been there since high school!

10.  Saturday night was at a country club — great food and ambiance, and more fun.

Thank you to all the planners and my classmates for creating such a great and memorable weekend!

Little Me

Grateful for “Little Ron”

When I can remember not to take myself to seriously, living peacefully is effortless.

When I live with humility, when I am “Little Ron”, when I am of service, moment by moment;  I am at peace.

Living in a state of surrender, I am energized and connected.  Empathetic.

I have tried and will try the other side of this coin.  “Big Ron” has not retired for good.

But I am grateful for the path back to “Little Ron”

It is a path of letting go.  And how hard is it to let go of something?


Happy Birthday Dad

Very Grateful for~

God’s constant care

Dad’s 85th birthday today

This new-to-me website:

The Journey, a poem by Mary Oliver

Buttermilk pancakes

Club soda waffles

Slow, morning time

Time to write and journal

Validation of what we all know: “In an experimental comparison, those who kept gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic about the upcoming week compared to those who recorded hassles or neutral life events.” – a study by Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis & Michael E. McCullough, University of Miami.

Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose. ~C.S. Lewis

1. God

2. People willing to support each other

3. Resolution

4. Feelings

5. Bob talking about it

6. When Cassie lights up with happiness

7. Ella is loved throughout the neighborhood

8. Library book delivery

9. Internal combustion engine

10. Photosynthesis

Where’s Bob?

  • will show you where Bob’s journey has been and is now :)
  • Ohio man who found those valuable baseball cards in his attic…wow!
  • Fun picnic at a park in our neighborhood :)
  • School preserving Native American language, teaching the children their Indian language!
  • Cartoon showing a woman at the mall collapsing with her hand to her forehead..  “I don’t know what happened..I was blissfully shopping when all of a sudden it hit me – a horrifying moment of contentment with what I already had.”  Contentment with what we have…gratitude!
  • To some people God seems so far away.  If so – who did the moving?

Daily Blessings.

  • God ♥
  • Family
  • Blue Sky
  • Sun
  • Perfect temperatures today
  • My Apple computer
  • My home
  • Safe neighborhood
  • Soft bed
  • Good food
  • Technology
  • Health (mine and my family’s)
  • Deep breaths
  • God’s mercy
  • Water
  • Wind chimes
  • Electricity
  • The color of the leaves with the sun shining through them

What if you woke up today with only what you thanked God for yesterday?

1. God

2. Something good that will come back to me

3. Fresh cucumbers

4. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt

5. 88 keys (evidently Bosendofer has 96, maybe there are models with more)

6. Actually I don’t even play piano

7. Conversation with Cassie about values we share

8. One thing she’s really taught me is love and care of animals

9. FAQs

10. Firefighters

holding and releasing

God’s Lessons
the smell of rosemary at the front door
the basil on the windowsill and how the smell of rosemary and basil stays on my hands
core muscles
holding and releasing
caramel sauce
the rainstorm last night
 “We are all here to be of service to one another. One soul, gracing another’s life, one moment at a time, is what life essentially is all about.” ~Caroline Joy Adams

1. God

2. Seeing a license plate with WLG

3. Michel brought flowers

4. Phlox

5. Echinacea

6. Day lilies

7. Night lilies

8. Jeanette’s resourcefulness

9. Talking with Tamara

10. Blessings of a new day

Wedding Gratitude (Congrats Elle&Stephen!)

  1. The honor to witness a dear friend’s wedding
  2. A beautiful day for a beautiful couple
  3. Seeing friends
  4. My little one tolerated the heat very well and was perfectly pleasant
  5. The way people join together to help when many hands are needed
  6. The exquisite beauty of the earth
  7. The contrast of the quiet coolness of our home after being out in the heat
  8. The way my friend smiled with her whole body with joy
  9. Seeing such incredible love in action
  10. This beautiful moment to enjoy these thoughts and be grateful