1. God

2. Catching a picture of Cassie sleeping with three black cats on the bed

3. My mother and father coming to visit

4. Eating outside

5. My mother making a peach pie – delicious

6. Cassie cutting flowers

7. Talking about gardening with my father

8. A grateful poster from the Happy Healer

9. Realizing how this applied to me: ” since there were times when for me a picture or a building or a poem would suddenly come alive … when I would be so left exulting … in the human contact with the artist, that I really did feel in that moment of shared experience  quite new and bigger person; so it was difficult not to strut just a little, for blind thinking almost had a feeling that it had done a bit in the creating of the beautiful thing itself.” Marion Milner, A Life of One’s Own

10. Cassie next to me reading and commenting, “that doesn’t seem like a funny book.” Yes, but moments of self-recognition, one’s frailties, can be. :)


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