Monthly Archives: September 2012


  1. Autumn walks
  2. Finally meeting that one neighbor, unfortunately as she’s moving out
  3. Playing phone tag
  4. Fun toys at the toy store
  5. Seeing our book in the Learned Owl bookstore in Hudson
  6. Did I mention, autumn?
  7. Yellow and orange street lights
  8. Rustling leaves
  9. Warm sweaters
  10. Right, right, right now

Jazz and Shalom

Very Grateful for~
God’s Shalom
This post on challenging assumptions
Amelia’s excitement over a book she finished reading in one sitting
A gift card to Jason’s
Lovely birds singing
The richness of other languages
Other people
John Coltrane’s music (today is his  birthday!)
This moment (I learned this from Crystal!)

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. ~Golda Meir


Falling for Fall

Very Grateful for~

God’s gift of seasons
the space shuttle Endeavour
a belated gratitude to the man who offered to help me when I fell “splat” on the street downtown
immune systems
the official beginning of fall!
Ann’s talent
These words from Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt: “It is the summer’s great last heat, / It is the fall’s first chill: they meet.”
You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. ~Johnny Cash


  1. Possibly the most wonderful nap I’ve had since Ava was born
  2. Going to the grocery store! Wonderful fruit, veggies, and friendly faces
  3. The feeling of fully stocked cupboards
  4. The comforts of home
  5. Especially with a baby
  6. Rain, fresh air, cooler temps
  7. All things autumn
  8. Pumpkin- bread, spice, candles, decorations
  9. Beautiful emails await from beautiful friends
  10. This moment

Autumn sunshine

  • Our son’s awesome, fascinating video of a federal building being constructed over a period of two years
  • …he should put it on utube
  • Womens Leadership Network
  • “Life Coach Mondays”
  • Rededication of a school football field in the name of our son-in-law’s well respected nice
  • Smoke from the wildfires coming over the mountains from other areas
  • GPa cleaning the computer
  • Pictures of recent family fun gatherings
  • Strut Your Mutt pet fair with paw print painting
  • “I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house, so I spend almost all of the daylight hours in the open air.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne


1. My cousin’s baby shower

2 Catching up

3. Family stories that I never heard before

4. Remembering my grandmother…

5. People that open their homes as foster parents

6. Making tough decisions

7. Hearing my son talk gardening with a group of adults

8. My dog being so happy to see me when I got home

9. A quick passing storm

10. Not feeling anxious

Renewed Experiences

1. Loving friends who accept me just the way I am, faults and all.

2. Playing pool for the first time in several years…and winning.

3. Seeing the mountains outside my bedroom window when my eyes open for the first time in the morning.

4. Answered prayers.

5. God’s protection.

6. Being blessed with a daughter who is so incredibly special the mere thought of her brings tears to my eyes.

7. 80+ degree weather in September…oh God is good!

8. Memories of blessings past.

9. Stuffed animals.

10. God’s healing presence.

1. God

2. The Campus Center opening, a tremendous accomplishment to which countless people contributed, although I believe most were recognized in some way

3. And Hannah sang the National Anthem at the dedication.

4. And Keith getting to show off his new bookstore

5. Recognizing Mike Mensch

6. Cassie taking time out of her work day to come to the event

7. We got a piano

8. The guys that rolled it down Main Street from the music store, up our driveway, up the steps, lifted it and put it into place

9. A visit from Kate and Josh

10. Reading about Stephen Burt and discovering we have interests in common, wanting to read his books