Monthly Archives: November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Very Grateful for ~

God’s Blessings

The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special

Folks who work on Thanksgiving

Our soldiers who continue to protect us on Thanksgiving

Seeing friends at lunch that I don’t usually get to see

All the cars at the neighbor’s houses means their family arrived safely

Hearing “Happy Thanksgiving” and responding right back while walking Ruby

Another holiday with Dad and Mom

Wise words from wise folks:

When you trust God to guide you, in an unexpected moment of peace, the path you should take will be revealed. ~Chris Lindsey

Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.~ A.W. Tozer

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, & gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton

1. God

2. Katrina’s Thanksgiving post about ritual gratitude and everyday gratitude

3. Cassie

4. Hannah and David

5. Letter from Aunt Sylvia who doesn’t travel during holidays

6. A clean stove

7. Avoiding automobile traffic

8. Knowing I’ve lost count of blessings, that there is always something more to be grateful for

9. And another day to be grateful


Rah-Rah Girl!

1. People who make you feel so energized, valuable, and loved that you literally run to your computer to write about gratitude!

2. Surprise phone calls from friends who “get” you

3. Finding your dimples

4. Remembering who you really are

5. Being “An Explorer”

6. The way thoughtful compliments can change your entire experience

7. Libraries!

8. Wearing purple

9. Cat naps in the sun

10. Wide-open road ahead

Thank You for Thanksgiving!

1.  It’s so full of love to get together with family and friends!

2.  I love the hustle and bustle in the kitchen before dinner.

3.  Little snacks before dinner (couldn’t be sure of how to spell that other word — hors deouvres?)

4.  The smell in the house when you first open the front door.

5.  The pride my son Kevin takes in making sure the turkey is just right.

6.  Catching up with people  you haven’t seen in a while.

7.  Going through the buffet line — a little of this, a little of that, and a LOT of your favorites.

8.  The blessing that Dyan (my daughter-in-law) gives that always makes me cry and be so very grateful that she is in our family.

9.  My Dad, our 95 year old Patriach, his very presence and the comments he makes — the quickest wit in the family!

10.  The energy of our grandsons, Andrew and Nate, who will be smart enough not to each too much, and will be having fun adventures all day!

Hooray for Thanksgiving, and all the present and remembered blessings in our lives — especially our family and friends!

Blessings Instead

Very Grateful for ~

God’s Blessings that came Instead

Leftover Monday gratitude: for a safe trip over 8 hours of rural roads

Tough rubber tires on the rental car

A PT appt with Ann


Finding the book I needed

Amelia’s dentist–Both of them!



“Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Grace evokes gratitude like the voice an echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightening.~Karl Barth quoted in this post

1. God

2. An orchid for Donna

3. A conversation in Angry Jack’s group about shortcomings

4. Support from Betsy

5. Jeanette’s humor and smile

6. Nancy’s gifts

7. Renee and Eric willing to contribute

8. David picking up on my Harry Potter references and a separate conversation about that, even as we were discussing financial matters and logistics

9.Maybe my children have an idea of what they want that is better than mine

10. “You can’t stop what’s coming.  It ain’t everything waiting on you,”  the old sheriff to Tommy Lee Jones in No Country for Old Men


1. Swim team Spirit Night

2. Coming together

3. Recognizing acomplishments

4. Watching the children grow as athletes

5. Random acts of kindness

6. A card and an email from a fabulous friend <3

7. Hands on learning

8. Farm animals

9. Discovering new, old music

10. My sweet, sweet boy