Monthly Archives: December 2012


  • Fun lunch yesterday for my sister’s birthday
  • Shopping among a zillion people
  • Icy parking lots..just try to find a vacant space :)
  • Babies crying, toddlers laughing, everyone with holiday merriment :)
  • Writing my check to PetSmart…but I was at PetCo!  Clerk and I had a good laugh…and I asked just where am I?..been to so many places :)
  • Super friendly Salvation Army bellringers
  • Finding a great gift for GPa..whew
  • Home early evening to relax..we thought!
  • Pepper became ill..went to Animal Clinic for antibiotics
  • GPa taking Pepper out every 15 min. until 3a.m.
  • Grateful for the antibiotics …Pepper is well again!


1. God

2. Stopping

3. Card from Stacey

4. Learning

5. Learning again

6. Water

7. Emulsifiers

8. Heroic strokes of the bow

9. Cheryl brought Albie around

10. “For what, after all, do any of us really want from one another? Certainly it is not more stuff. Nor is it perfection or fool-proof answers or second-hand wisdom. We want more presence, not more presents. And the most valuable gift we have to give is, always, the unvarnished, unadorned truth of who we really are. Joy comes when we are both courageous and generous – brave enough to be who we are, and as generous with the gift of our own flawed, vulnerable, unique selves as we are with the gifts we wrap up in pretty paper and ribbons and bows.” Katrina Kenison

New Beginnings

  1. Waking up in our new house…for the third morning
  2. the beautiful winter wonderland we woke up to yesterday
  3. the way our house and trees look dusted with snow
  4. all the hard work my husband does and did for the move
  5. Incredibly strong friends and fast movers
  6. friends who are willing to drive out to see us
  7. Learning the quirks of the house
  8. Ava walking all over the new place
  9. quiet country nights
  10. this beautiful life

Rejection Just in Time

Very Grateful for ~

God’s manna

Light in the darkness

The little, growing feeling of relief after I read the email

People who are patient with me

This Bible verse, just in time: Zephaniah 3:17

This quote: “The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am” ~Dr. Sam Peeples

And this one: “Rejection is God’s way of saying ‘wrong direction’”

The website and the work Andre does

Lori who responded when she was so busy

and Garrett’s email, again, just in tiem

in this post

1. God

2. With Beverlee

3. Coming out and saying it

4. Emily

5. Springing others

6. Getting sprung

7. Kind words from Laurie

8. Gratitude

9. Cats with claws that are not so sharp (thanks, Emily)

10. Sheila


So Rich

1. Remembering good times with friends

2. Reinventing your own idea of who you are and how you move through the world

3. Learning how to wield power

4. Believing in your own capabilities

5. Working as a team

6. Boar bristle hair brushes

7. Ave Maria

8. Truly savoring well-made chocolate with all your senses (one of my favorite mindfulness practices!)

9. Hot baths

10. The luxury of being alive with a healthy body


1. Taking the boy and dog to the park in some wacky weather…

2. Having the place to ourselves :)

3. Choices

4. People who keep their word

5. Naps

6. A warm house

7. Seeing through

8. Homegrown potatoes

9. Snow

10. A happy and wore out dog, snoring away <3

It’s okay

1. Being okay with the truth

2. Not taking it personally

3. All the wellness tools I’ve learned over the past several years

4. Family

5. When god sends you an unmistakable message that makes you feel better

6. Helping someone as therapy

7. Trusting

8. “Siempre puedes confianza en dios”

9. Breath

10. Smiling for your life