Monthly Archives: February 2013

“I left my heart in….”

  • Tony Bennett … whose music never dies
  • “Steppin’ Out..”  “I left my heart in San Francisco”
  • One of GPa’s all-time favorites..”Fly Me To The Moon”
  • A day of rest
  • Recharging
  • Planning
  • Happier when I’m busy :)
  • Coffee maker overflowed
  • Someone said that an organic salad at a particular restaurant was $18.00…and a double cheeseburger at a fast food place was $1.00….hmmmm
  • “For me, poetry is the compressed experience of an emotion. I’m not great on long novels. But I love a sharp, compressed arrow straight to the heart.” -Diane Sawyer



  1. A Wrinkle in Time, audiobook
  2. Double-checking
  3. A beautiful little break
  4. Better communication
  5. Listening harder
  6. Tracking
  7. Eyelashes on plump, rosy cheeks
  8. Whole-body hugs
  9. Simple things- times, ways, ideas, answers
  10. Now

ooak and 2-22

Very Grateful for~

God’s symmetry


Interesting information in NurtureShock by Po Bronson

Motivating myself to go over the hurdle of rejection

Advocating for two invoices that are unpaid from an angry client.

Fresh asparagus

The happy uniqueness of ooak

Finding something important

Jennifer’s faith

The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only. ~Joseph Wood Krutch

♥ Today Is Thursday ♥ 2-21-13 ♥

Yeah, catchy title right? LOL Just couldn’t think of anything today.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That with as much pain as I was in early this morning, the boys did finally make it to school. It sure hurt to drive today :-(

2) For my Dad, who on his way home from the gym, offered to pick up my youngest for me so I wouldn’t have to – THANK YOU DAD!! That helped a lot because I was able to keep the pain relieving cream on my hands longer.

3) That said youngest, when he got home, was willing to curl up with Mommy in her room to watch one of his favorite movies. He knew Mommy was hurting today & gladly cuddled to try to help me feel better :-)

4) For hubby making it home at a decent hour today & taking care of our youngest as well as going to pick up our oldest when he got out of school – all while letting me sleep in the bedroom. My body heals best when I sleep and boy did I sleep today…

5) That a friend of ours, who had a really rough day, had a better ending to her day than it began. I’m also grateful for the lengths my hubby went to to help her as much as he could – from phone calls to just about ready to go look for someone for her – because he is a good man & we do think of these people as our friends. They have helped us in the past & today, for what was going on, helping any way we could was the least we could do.

(Too tired to look for a quote tonight, so I’m going to post my favorite doodle from Crystal again)

List by Christina Teddy Bear (drawn by Crystal Belle P) back when it was Good List Daily
List by Christina Teddy Bear (drawn by Crystal Belle P) back when it was Good List Daily


1. Joel Osteen

2. Faith it ’til you make it :)

3. Discovering the treasures inside

4. Focusing on what you can become

5. Celebrating yourself

6. Taking risks (No, it’s not “too big”)

7. Spinning it positively

8. Rising up with confidence

9. Keeping poise

10. Jill Scott’s “Golden”

emotional algebra

Very Grateful~

God’s variety

Choosing my plate size

A delicate orange scone

my first cup of oolong tea

“we don’t  put any guilt in our desserts”

Dad’s comment to his whining friend, “If you want to feel needed, put on a red shirt and hang out at Target”


A day without butter too much butter

Being called “dear”

I write emotional algebra. ~Anais Nin, whose birthday is today

♥ Wednesday Workings ♥ 2-20-13 ♥

Hubby was off today be we still had a lot of work to try to accomplish.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) that the boys got to school today *right* *on* *time*!! Hooray!! That was a great start to the day

2) for phone calls being made & returned today – not our favorite thing to do sometimes but necessary

3) that we’ve got just about everything we need to finally get our taxes done hopefully very soon

4) for bank deposits, no matter how small, that slowly add up to bills being paid little by little

5) that I was able to help a few of my classmates study tonight – I like helping other people find their way :-)

Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers ~ Garth Brooks

Quinoa and Faro

Very Grateful~

God’s surprises

A morning walk along the river

Garrett’s encouraging email

Chicken with faro soup

The sculpture garden

Finally knowing how to say “quinoa”

Finding out that the admission was free

The engineer’s talent to construct the bridge under which I walked

Citrus beet salad

Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.~ Ashleigh Brilliant


A new balance

1. Making a deep connection with a stranger over the weather

2. Validation

3. Teal

4. Remembering in time

5. Feeling strong

6. Focusing on health instead of unease

7. My magic miso soup for well-being

8. Mini catch-up calls

9. Respect- giving and receiving

10. Clothing cuts that flatter your figure