Monthly Archives: April 2013

responders, realizations, and resolutions

Very Grateful for~

God’s resolutions

Amelia, ordering for me at the restaurant

…and paying for dinner!


Sweet singing

First responders

Emergency personnel

The realization that when anger enters, gratitude vacates

Back-to-school clothes (!)

Garrett and Cassie

The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am. ~Dr. Sam Peeples


1. Forgiving yourself, letting go, and moving on

2. Cutting it close, but making it

3. A good night’s sleep

4. Starting with a prayer

5. Patience

6. Gravitating back to balance

7. Taking care

8. Sun & pool breaks between work

9. Remembering birthdays

10. Finishing strong

1. God

2. Flowering trees

3. A point of view, what a strange thing to have, what would I want with it anyway

4. Previously unoccupied coordinates

5. Other dimensions imaginary or no

6. Yes and no

7. Fluidity

8. Flow

9. The rhythm of breath, does the rhythm take precedence

10. Not too little

“You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell



  1. Stephen Cope’s Yoga and the Quest for the True Self
  2. Teacher training today
  3. Julie and Elle, who love my daughter as if she were family
  4. Support and great answers to my questions
  5. Getting familiar (not yet comfortable) with new poses
  6. Questions answered before I ask
  7. The wonderful Hudson policeman who unlocked J’s car for her
  8. Actually getting an afternoon nap in- wonderful
  9. Meditating
  10. Now

Love is all around

Letting go

Stepping outside of your comfort zone

Free things

Live music in tiny venues

Reaching out to friend

Hearing people from out of state try to say “Cuyahoga”

German food, schnitzel anyone?

Refocusing on what’s really important

Maple bacon doughnuts (Hurrah for Acme now making these!)

Sticking to the plan


Wishing you a truly joyful day..

Like the opening scene of Mary Tyler Moore when she throws her hat into the air.

yeah, that kind. Yippie!!!!

Friends as compass

1. Recognizing misalignment

2. Having the tools to shift yourself in a new direction

3. Sharing

4. Nights out with friends

5. Belly laughs

6. Trying new restaurants

7. Reminders

8. Renewed determination

9. Someone who can identify

10. Just the right thing at just the right time


  1. Riding the ebb of low energy instead of fighting it
  2. Lucy Knisley’s new book, Relish
  3. Steel cut oats
  4. Two-man teams for lifting heavy logs
  5. Night lights
  6. Sun salutations
  7. Gratitude
  8. Letting go of icky feelings
  9. Seeing the truth
  10. This