Monthly Archives: May 2013

Profoundly Privileged

1. A mind capable of retrieving memories

2. Reaching for the part of myself that understands

3. Connection- the golden rope we weave amongst, around, and between each other- made of glowy essence, thought, emotion and light

4. Witnessing clarity stand strong and rooted, like an unaffected tree, in the middle of a hurt-storm

5. Crafting a prayer with my soul’s finest tools and sending it on the wind

6. Those rare people in your life who lift you up and up and up, coaxing you higher and closer to your true self

7. The privilege of true friendship.

8. The privilege of true teachers.

9. The privilege of this moment.

10. The privilege of appreciating this moment.

Heavy Heart

I write with a heavy heart tonight. Someone I love and look up to received dire health news. My heart is broken.

  1. Those precious moments with amazing people in our lives
  2. Love. Loving people with all our hearts.
  3. Finding gratitude even in pain. It takes awhile, but it’s there somewhere
  4. Living each day to its fullest
  5. The things that remind us to do so, even the really hard, unfair, ugly things
  6. Learning, and those who love it
  7. Friends to talk to and hold space for you
  8. The smallest kindnesses
  9. Opening my heart even when I want to hold it closed
  10. This, even this

1. God

2. Irises blooming

3. Cassie putting spirea blooms in big and small vases

4. Seeing Eric and Tomoko’s beautiful glasswork

5. And seeing Jeanette there too

6. Getting things done

7. Not getting things done

8. Not minding so it doesn’t matter

9. My favorite poem this week.  (Thank you, Claudia.)  Can’t wait for the peonies to open nearby.

10. Abundance

Thank you

1. The one-time-only convergence of hearts and minds that was Goodlistdaily

2. and the incredible bonds that were born from it

3. Experiences that live in your memory as “one of the best days of my life”

4. Someone who can share in that memory with you and remind you of it

5. Being blessed with a true role model

6. Beauty has so many different faces

7. Deep inspiration

8. The kind of friendships that make you feel like the luckiest person on earth

9. When love feels compounded

10. Experiencing gratitude so profoundly that it forces you to create new avenues of expression



  1. A missed connection means I can look forward to connecting soon! anticipation!
  2. The grit of gratitude- sometimes, finding gratitude is like being in a mineshaft picking for diamonds- dark, dirty, dangerous even (to our egos!)
  3. But sticking with it and finding the gratitude is so satisfying, like precious gems locked in coal-black dirt
  4. Cultivating gratitude, as Brene Brown says, helps increase our capacity for joy
  5. Enjoying these beautiful moments will not make the bad ones hurt more- in fact, when bad stuff happens, we’ll wish we’d have been more joyful, lived more fully
  6. And “life” is all about the ordinary moments. This one, writing this list. Catching the profile of a beloved family member, jotting off an email to a friend.
  7. The way the light shines after the rain
  8. Baby smiles with tiny teeth
  9. Full hugs
  10. This

Precious Time

Not taking anything for granted

Learning that setting boundaries can be very freeing

Counting my blessings – and there are too many to name

The joy of true friendship and love

Listening to everyone’s hopes and dreams

Choosing the path that holds most meaning for me

Unwavering support of family and friends

The love and devotion of a perfect partner

The courage and strength and love of my daughters

Savoring each moment!

Goodnight and Gratitude

Very Grateful for~
God’s do-overs the back space key
the gratitude lists of those here at WLG
Margaret Wise Brown, author of Goodnight Moon, a book I must have read literally a thousand times
a small grant to help with education costs
a rare, mid-week tennis match with retired coach guys
hitting the ball really hard, pushing out tension with every shot, even if the shot was out or in the net

“Get over here where you belong,” he said.
Kathy’s son’s cancer surgery showed it is all gone!!
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go. ~Isaiah 48:17


  1. An email from someone “micro-famous” 
  2. Being able to help
  3. Loving helping- and seeing it’s my path
  4. Yoga outside
  5. The grey kitty that snuck in the porch
  6. The lady cardinal who chirped up a racket and just looked at me when I went to investigate
  7. Talking tech with a friend like I’m a living, breathing member of society again (and not sleep-deprived zombie mom)
  8. The wind cooling and turning the leaves up just so in preparation for a storm
  9. Wheel pose
  10. This


  1. Helping a woman who has awesome creative ideas
  2. The power of the Artist’s Way
  3. Carol Bailey Floyd- so caring, so creative, so connected!
  4. Lush green everywhere I look
  5. Clean floors
  6. Huck Finn
  7. The incredible intelligence writers have
  8. Creative people
  9. Collages
  10. Now

flipping and clicking

  • Grateful for no injuries after our neighbor did a summersault backwards at the edge of his garden while rototilling
  • Grateful for another’s safety after traveling through Wyoming in 80 mph winds and sheets of rain
  • Cookie (shuh tsu) loving her bath
  • Gson’s high school graduation announcement
  • The cute gal with red hair and freckles
  • Found my camera!…
  • …was more concerned with the “kangaroo case” around it that granddaughter brought from Australia!
  • The motorized sounds of lawn mowers…
  • …and the click click click sounds of the hand push mowers from many years ago
  • Kindness