Gratitude for G-sons!

1.  babysitting my G-sons, Nate and Andrew today!  yippee yo yo YO!

2.  they did a fabulous lemonade stand to raise money for the Red Cross recently

3.  today I took them to the Red Cross so they could present almost $250!

4.  really amazing for 8 and 10 year old boys!  hooray!

5.  at the Red Cross, they were treated like heroes, lots of people congratulating them and taking photos!

6.  lunch with laughter, silliness, and fun

7.  off to Toys R Us to buy Monopoly, Sorry, and Yahtzee!  yahoo!

8.  lots of fun this afternoon with board games

9.  Grandpa even joined in for some merriment

10.  what an honor to be G-ma to two such amazing guys!  yahoo!  yippee!  hooray!

3 thoughts on “Gratitude for G-sons!

  1. Jean, I love reading about your grandmotherly joy and laughed when you mentioned the boys’ lemonade stand. I used to do that growing up and whenever I see kids doing it today make a point to stop and enjoy some lemonade and give them some encouragement. :) Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Carol! What an AMAZING thing your grandboys did! They will cherish that forever- and set them up for a lifetime of kindness! How beautiful!

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