My neighbor gave me many beautiful flowers for my flower beds!
Even peonies, which make me so happy they deserve their own place on my list
A friend was really honest with me today, and her bravery and openness inspires me
I am finding these places inside me that need love and approval, and I am saying Byron Katie’s prayer over them: “If I had a prayer, it would be this: “God spare me from the desire for love, approval, and appreciation. Amen”
Incredible summer salads
My daughter’s sleeping head on my shoulder
Mary Kaufman Schwartz’s book “Coming Into Focus: From an Amish Childhood to a Journey of Many Choices” absolutely fascinating. I’ve always been curious about the Amish, moreso maybe since I’m not from this area and used to seeing the buggies. When she said that the non-Amish never waved or smiled at her that really struck me. I ha assumed it would be unwelcome but why would friendliness ever be unwelcome?
Embracing both gift, darkness and light
Yoga, I am amazed at how it centers and grounds me, gives me strong roots to operate from, so I’m not blown away so easily.