Monthly Archives: July 2013

  • Clydesdales, gentle giants
  • Our morning walk…
  • …and Cookie jumping for joy when we prepare for our walk
  • A royal baby, Prince George
  • Making GPa’s fave…choc cake with/choc frosting
  • Crystal’s mention of Moai…at about the same time we were watching several programs about those monolithic statutes all over the world…interesting, food for thought, speculation and wonder!
  • Signs on a post in Kuwait showing, among others, distance to Kalispell, MT as 6,984 miles
  • Thinking about Detroit and the people who live there and sending good visions for them to once again make Detroit a vibrant and lovely city.
  • Watching Nathan climb on the power mower, place his can of Pepsi in the beverage holder, start the motor, and happily drive down the road to help Phil with mowing.
  • Where fish put their money…….in the river bank!  :) okay okay, I’m outta here now :):)

Sunrise – Sunset Gratitudes!

1.  took photos of the sunset tonight

2.  if the weather cooperates, I will get the sunrise tomorrow on the beach

3.  that will be the first time in my life to get a sunrise and sunset in one cycle

4.  the sun rises on the ocean side of Ocean City MD

5.  and sets two blocks away on the bay side

6.  I know that is a fairly simply thing, but it boggles me

7.  I don’t even want any explanations

8.  Even though I know it is simple, the mystery makes me happy!

9.  Have gotten up to see the sunrise before 6 a.m. many mornings this week

10.  If there were clouds on the horizon, then I went back to bed

Here’s hoping for a glorious sunrise on the beach tomorrow!  Goodbye Ocean City — I will remember you always, especially this Winter!






  • Learning about moai
  • Not cooking dinner sometimes
  • Our second week at the Waldorf “mommy & me” class
  • Meeting other moms & kids
  • My little one loves to share (!)
  • But absolutely not sit still, which keeps me on my toes, and makes me think she has an active mind
  • My husband found a snake today, and I’m so grateful it wasn’t me or my daughter, though it was only a garter snake. (Rest assured, it is also in it’s celestial home now, like the spider from my earlier list)
  • Standing up for myself
  • Being unaffected by manipulations
  • this

A charming day

Third times a charm as I finally spelled my name right to get logged in(giggle)

A recipe that could never be duplicated as it didn’t taste like I wanted it to so I added this and that (silly me)

Getting to be evil in the play is so much fun ((I love being naughty)

The amazing difference a good night’s sleep can make in your mood (from anger to serenity)

My grandson coming back to the phone again and again just to tell me one more thing ( Hugs and kisses,Ty)

Talking to my grown up daughter on her birthday and realizing how poised (Smart too!)

The cooler weather (Ah!)e

Carrying a good luck charm in my pocket (Do your stuff!)

Putting things in God’s hands and trusting you are safe and secure (If He brings you to it He will bring you through it)

My Prince Charming is finally going to the doctor. The roller coaster ride begins!



A Change of Scenery

We took a break for our daily routine to refresh our bodies and minds.  It provided us with many things for which to be grateful.

A party for a friend who is leaving soon on a grand adventure in the U.S. Air Force.  And the U. S. Air Force will be lucky to have him!

A happy time spent with so many friends and their families.  Lots of laughter and hugs.

A gift of a movie made by a former student of mine.  I had owned it before, and somehow managed to lose it during a move from one home to another.  I’m so happy to have a new copy of it, so that I can watch and laugh and clap!

Leaving the party early to get started on a road trip to Lake George, NY.  How exciting!

I never really enjoyed travelling on the New York Thruway, so it was grand to learn there is another Interstate highway that is more scenic, and gets us to our destination in the same amount of time (or almost).  The lovely Southern Tier Highway.  What a treat!

Discovering that our hotel in Lake George Village was a beautiful mint green color.  Something about that color made it look so inviting.

Dave taking me for a drive around Lake George, to see the beautiful lake, the beaches, the boats, the cottages, hotels and restaurants, and millions of trees!

Eating lunch at the A&W Root Beer Drive-In, the 2nd (now 3rd) most popular restaurant in Lake George Village.  We were not disappointed.

Took a short day trip to Lake Placid.  I was so surprised to see that it is a thriving little town with lots of shops, eateries and galleries.  There is a lovely spot in the center of town with a lake, places to sit and relax and, also, places to stroll.  The athletic venues from the 1980 Olympics are still there, and still being used.  One of my favorite parts of our trip.

A boat ride on the steamship Minnie-ha-ha was relaxing and interesting.  The steam engines that powered the paddle wheel were so quiet.  The calliope, which only played when we returned to the port, was decidedly louder!  A beautiful, sunset cruise.


  1. Friends over
  2. Helping with websites
  3. Working in the guest nest to get it ready for visitors
  4. 11 y/os playing with my toddler, making her laugh
  5. Making cookies that everyone likes (even heard “these f-ing rock!”)
  6. Getting lots done
  7. The aforementioned 11 y/os watered the window box flowers on the shed for me
  8. My daughter and her dad, such love
  9. Cooler mornings for a spell
  10. This

1. God

2. Musica Callada by Federico Mompou

3. Cassie and Emily enjoying time together, they went on a whale watch

4. The students who came to take away the furniture (they were bidden, part of their job, not looting ;)

5. Clotilda bringing us vegetables from their garden

6. Laura’s words about looking up are exquisite

7. Liz’s slowing down adventure

8. Lindsey’s story about hearts broken by time’s passage and sharing these common feelings with her children

9. Julie’s words on writing and building community continue to resonate




1. Logan cutting the grass and trimming…He started last year, but he is just so much more grown up and sure of himself, this year. <3

2. Sitting on our deck talking about all the things that interest him

3. A friend whose phone calls always start with mutual laughter…What fun!

4. My husband brags about my work and shows it to his friends. :) Now, if I could only get him to wear it!

5. Saying thank you

6. Fresh green beans and swiss chard

7. I made swiss chard patties, like my grandma always used to make. It was like summer in Grandma's kitchen! I am so grateful for those wonderful memories.

8. Walking and talking with Wayne and Sugaree

9. Clearing old mental clutter

10. Prayer