The quiet of the early morning
Birds chirping
The beautiful field of high stalks of corn, that makes our backyard seem sheltered and private
The pictures of friends and family, that are attached to ribbons on the wall near my chair. What a cheery sight!
The many times Dave says, “Ruthie, Ruthie, Ruthie” each day. It makes me smile every time.
My morning bowl of bananas and yogurt
Being able to think and reason and remember
Text messages from my daughters. So nice to be able to stay in touch, even when we don’t see each other for a few days
The encouragement from readers of my blog posts telling me to keep writing.
Remembering we can choose how we react to everything, and if we react in an unpleasant or unkind way, we can always choose again.
I love your blog posts! And yes, every moment is a choice, isn’t that wonderful?
Keep writing! Your words are precious and insightful. Love, Carol
Good things are coming in September. An Anniversary and a a fair.
I love reading what you write.