Monthly Archives: October 2013

Just breathe

My daughter  had a throat infection that went into her trachea and I have been looking at breathing in a new way.

How amazing the things our bodies do that we don’t have to think about!

The helpless feeling of hearing someone struggle to breathe but knowing there are places to go for solutions.

First ER visit. Not so good. Like putting a bandaid on a severed artery but some help.

A neighbor who loaned us her nebulizer to provide relief. She just stated she needs a treatment now!

So off to Urgent Care that handled the original sore throat. They were wonderful!  Two breathing treatments, a shot of steroids and three prescriptions and I think I can breathe easier!

Prescription medicine while having side effects save lives and provide comfort. Did you ever think how many people died before we had modern remedies?

We say to breathe deep for your health at Laughing Club so appreciate your breath.

My daughter said this is costing so much money and I realized it didn’t matter. She just needed to be well.

People are essential. Breathe and believe.







1. God

2. Autumn colors

3. Sun and clouds

4. People working for a common purpose

5. The apple tree I hadn’t noticed before, full of fruit, probably crab apples

6. how things look differently after a day

7. dinner with friends

8. Stamps

9. Thanks and praise

10. Something that brought me back and something moving me forward

Gratitude Goodness

The many phone calls, texts and visits from my daughters.

A surprise trip to the ice cream shop to meet my good friend and her son.  What a fun time!

The good feeling of getting organized

Sweet, delicious Honey Crisp apples

Grateful to be able to stretch my body.  It energizes me and eases pain.

New goals for October and November!  Every goal I reach encourages me to keep pressing forward.

I’m grateful for dandelion tea, and green tea with ginger. They help me relax and feel better.

Emails and phone calls from my sister.

Football season.  I love watching football.  It doesn’t really matter much who is playing.  Always fun!

When I’m feeling stressed and worried, my kind and patient husband is there to restore calm and save the day!  I love him so much!

1. God

2. Help from Dolores, who enjoys her new job

3. And also from Bill

4. Sun and fog

5. With Jeanette, it is no sooner than done

6. Working on a solution with Eric

7. Prayer and patience

8. Lighting up from within

9. Enough



Twin Toddlers

Today I am grateful for:

– The ability to see the love, fun and goodness in our twin toddler daughters.  To see that love, fun and goodness even when I am temporarily burnt out, frustrated, stressed out, etc…  To always see the goodness.

– Call from a good friend Andrew.

-Scooter teaching me about tennis today.

– The loyalty of my wife.  Her ability to tolerate my moodiness.  I love her so much.

– Help from Mom and Dad (even when you are 43)

10.8 minutes

  • Several days ago, power out in our area..transformer..4 hrs….
  • ….grateful that the weather was nice at the time
  • Homemade vegetable soup…
  • …nice when it’s rainy and cool :)
  • Banana nut bread
  • Removed and cleaned coats, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves…
  • …in entry closet…great feeling :)
  • Vacuum…change furnace filters :)
  • Purge and clean several cupboards :)
  • Average commute to work for people in Helena is 10.8 minutes…does that even qualify as a “commute” ? :)

Very Grateful for

God’s tenderness

The life of Jean Bateman

Jean’s daughter, Tedra

The bond between this sweet mother and daughter

The first 40 degree morning


Taking time

For deep breaths

And prayer

Mika Brzezinski, cohost of Morning Joe, who helped a novice journalist by setting up a meeting, because “”because that’s what women should do for each other, anyone should do for anyone! And because I can.” She continued by praising the young woman she helped: “I can tell she’s going to be a star. She just needs a break. I made the meeting. I would have loved for someone to have done that for me, let me just tell you.” The Atlantic Wire

You have done so much that you have forgotten about ~Brave Girls Club