Monthly Archives: November 2013

So Very Grateful

1.  loving to look at people

2.  making fun and secret plans

3.  tasting the first Mandarin in a giant bag and finding out it is sweet

4.  my neon colored tennis shoes

5.  the first time out with my colorfully patterned mittens

6.  doing Zentangles in a new way with a friend

7.  visiting the Zentangle art show and taking lots of photos

8.  making plans with high school buddies

9.  remembering President Kennedy and still feeling the loss

10.  the privilege of everything


fuzzy slippers and great visions

Very Grateful for:
God's protection
hearing the cold wind, but being inside
the beautiful designs from the icicles that form
Friday tennis inside
knowing that next week there will be days off
fuzzy slippers
gluten free waffles that don't taste like packing peanuts
belly laughs
deep breaths

We cannot wait for great visions from great people, for they are in short supply. It is up to us to light our own small  fires in the darkness. ~Charles Handy

1. God

2. Everywhere

3. is somewhere

4. Sometimes warm and wet

5. Driving with the window down

6. Humor at the right time

7. David seeking help from his teacher

8. Making connections

9. The North Pole  Pooh found it

10. A free cup of coffee on Friday at the cafe

1. God

2. In someone’s blue eyes

3. A wry smile splits my mouth

4. Any progress for me may be asymptotic

5. Cassie meeting a friend

6. Emily’s success with her stagework and grace under pressure

7. Surprise thanks from David

8. Thinking of Hannah what’s she gotten up to

9. Inscrutable fortune cookies

10. Sonny Rollins’s unmistakable tone





  1. A hard-to-find (for me, anyway) book arrived in the mail today from the World’s Best Librarian! I am over the moon!
  2. Working
  3. Resting when I needed to
  4. Eyebrows
  5. Chatting with family members
  6. Organizing
  7. Neighbors
  8. Quick visit from an aquaintance
  9. Water
  10. This

Thanks, Mom!

  • Extra Prayers for all who are traveling this holiday season!
  • Searching for my special recipe for basic Christmas cookies…
  • …one of my life’s highlights was decorating them with my granddaughter :)
  • Found my Mother’s old old cookbook (first made in 1901)…
  • …paging thru and finding a note on a cookie recipe…
  • …Mom had marked an “X” and “Best” next to it!  Thanks, Mom!:)
  • Rennet….I had to look that one up :)
  • Fun fun with Cathy looking at all the Christmas decorations in a few new stores :)
  • Lowe’s acquired ATG…they have lots and lots of “stuff” lol
  • Selfie….Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year 

I Woke Up Grateful for . . . .

Surviving  another day of heartbreak.  The end is near.

A fresh smell in my house after a four-month battle of trying to remedy a sewer gas stench in my bathroom. Props to my maintenance guy who discovered and repaired the real problem!

Repeat episodes of last week’s Scandal – so that I am caught up and ready for tonight’s new episode. Go Gladiators!

Completing my last appointment of dental work. My teeth look gorgeous!