Monthly Archives: December 2013

Thanks, 2013

  1. 2013 was full of highs and lows
  2. I will remember this as Ruth’s year- her diagnosis, her incredible bravery and determination to stay positive, and ultimately her too-fast exit
  3. The year my family came to visit for the first time (and hopefully not the last!)
  4. My daughter turned one
  5. As a mama, I grew up all over the place
  6. Lots of work on the new house in the Magic Pine Forest- felling trees, stacking wood, wallpapering & painting the guest nest
  7. Not as much work on my personal projects, letting acceptance reign here
  8. Started & stopped yoga teacher training, watched myself figure that out
  9. Worked on head and heart, not sure I know anything more than before
  10. this

1. God

2. Observing so many good wishes and good thoughts as a new year approaches

3. A phone call with Susana that left me relaxed and grateful

4. A doctor with thoroughness and a sense of humor

5. Duct tape

6. Chloe and Andrew at the courthouse

7. Glass

8. Delighted by this picture via Christine (Susana said something similar when we were talking)

“I woke up thinking a very pleasant thought.  There is lots left in the world to read.”  Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist



last list of 2013

Very Grateful for


long naps

deep tubs

waking up to water cascades

tall mahogany bed and finding the little stool to step up to it

Antha’s dad is home recuperating

deciding to stay another day

hami stretches

making it to the top of Enchanted Rock

and leaving my verse for 2013 there

Now all glory to God who is able through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
~Ephesians 3:20

Gratitude for So Much!

1.  My Paparoonio has been in Hospice since Friday

2.  Thank heaven for the kind and sincere attention given by Hospice staff

3.  I can tell that Dad is doing much better because he is charming the female staff left and right

4.  Sometimes he speaks Spanish, Portuguese, or French to the amusement of those around him

5.  When he starts speaking foreign languages intermittently, I know he is getting back to himself

6.  I have a good feeling that he is going to be released once his walking skills are better

7.  He is 96 years old and I am still hoping he makes it to 100!

8.  So glad that Crystal and her family are doing better.  Hooray!

9.  Christmas celebrations were wonderful

10.  Having two grandsons at Christmas makes it even more fabulous!

11.  I reached 500 fun things to do on my blog today!  Halfway to my goal of 1,000!


  1. Husband taking over with our daughter so I could sleep today
  2. And running to the store to get us supplies
  3. Our magnificent bodies that work effortlessly
  4. Warm rain
  5. Ebooks from the library, instant delivery, no travel needed
  6. Food that nourishes
  7. Friends
  8. Being reminded not to take breathing for granted
  9. Learning new things
  10. This

Sweet Sunday

1. Logan is on the front page of today’s newspaper…He was photographed during the run leg of our local YMCA’s indoor triathlon.

2. My husband and I did the triathlon as a team. He swam and ran and I biked.

3. That competitive streak that I didn’t know existed…

4. Our friends who drove an hour to race and hang out with us

5. A well deserved nap :)

6. Logan’s friend staying with us for a couple of days

7. Fresh eggs

8. Going to church

9. People who follow leash laws…and that have reasonable control over their dogs

10. Sunny winter days

  • Healing prayers for Crystal and family at the MagicPineForest
  • Christian music group Cloverton gathering at a small coffee shop and performing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah..watched it on utube..very nice.
  • GPa’s annual chocolate covered cherries :)
  • Joy in my heart for our wonderful family who selflessly go above and beyond to help others
  • Gsons David and Scott rearranging large furniture pieces for us…ah, tall, strong, youth :)
  • GPa’s 55″ tv…he can watch his beloved Packers without sitting directly in front of the tv
  • Yahoo cake in the shape of Texas….decadent and y u m e e e e e :)
  • Andrearose’s list about Logan’s piano playing and recital…could it be on utube?…would love to hear it!
  • Out with the sugar and in with the Vit. C :)
  • Loving that we always have so many days of sunshine,  whatever the temp.
  • Peace

1. God

2. Safe travels for Emily

3. Paul will go far

4. Old times not so old

5. ricercar

6. Cardinals

7. Long wooden spoons

8. Talking with my mother on the telephone

9. Greens on the mantelpiece with red bows

10. Cats playing with toys


  1. For breath, even labored
  2. For an immune system that works round the clock to do everything it can
  3. For warm liquids on a sore throat
  4. For orange juice, which is life-giving serum
  5. For paying attention to things, but not obsessing or worrying needlessly
  6. For a smidgeon of energy, which feels like a waterfall after yesterday’s desert
  7. For books, because if nothing else, illness is great for reading time
  8. For friends to email who reach through the wires with virtual hugs
  9. For hope
  10. This

1. God

2. Abundance of sunlight

3. Cassie enjoys the book Andrew gave her

4. Emily with her friends

5. Flu shot for David

6. A kind veterinary to help Ella so that she might be less cranky

7. Sarah’s calendar of literary cats

8. No absence of color

9. Scents

10. Stopping