Monthly Archives: December 2013


  1. Inspiration
  2. Cold walk
  3. Good books
  4. The way my grandma always knows if I’ve been reading a lot, by my lists :)
  5. A Christmas card with a sock monkey on it :))
  6. Moving slowly, but moving
  7. Savoring
  8. My daughter’s joy
  9. And her willingness to help
  10. This


Very Grateful for:

God’s Shalom

This poem called Stop It

the girls in the office traveled home safely

my last project is done and submitted

my last paper is done and submitted

my last annotated bib is done and submitted

my last reflection paper is done and submitted

my last video clip is done and submitted

Drew, in The Learning Studio, who taught Camtasia to me

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder


1. Holiday menu planning with my sweet boy

2. Sugaree gets funnier all the time

3. Sitting at the kitchen table with Logan while we both work on our own things

4. Hot cocoa after coming in from the cold

5. Not making it about me

6. Being realistic

7. Photographs…looking at old ones and taking new ones

8. I just heard a big snow plow go up and down our street. :)

9. Sharing a friend’s joy

10. Lifting weights for the first time in a long time

Slow Change

  1. Jerusalem artichoke soup
  2. Trying new things
  3. My husband’s dedication to communication
  4. Progress in small steps
  5. Decorating the Christmas tree with a toddler
  6. Changes that seem more amazing than I could’ve hoped
  7. Teaching
  8. Going slowly
  9. Sticking to it
  10. This

Monday evening musings…

Here is a sampling of what I’m grateful for tonight:

  1. Being back here on “We Love Gratitude”
  2. Not hitting the stopped school bus on the other side of the road when my car skidded on the ice this morning (Whew!)
  3. A grateful end to a rather tumultuous day
  4. Finally being able to quiet my mind
  5. Synchronicity
  6. Having the courage to face the fact that I might be losing yet another one of my beloved cats
  7. Wine
  8. Surrender
  9. Tears
  10. Sleep

Monday Gratitude

1. The latest lists posted by Crystal and Kylia <3

2. Logan making dinner and dessert

3. A surprise from my husband

4. Cookie cutters

5. Remembering my grandparents

6. Not letting my mind carry me away…

7. Getting involved

8. Not getting involved :)

9. Being consistent

10. LOVE


I had the honor of being at Ruth’s memorial today, and it was beautiful. So many people said wonderful things about her, and so many people love her. I am deeply honored to have known her, and to know her beloved and wonderful family.



  1. Women getting together and supporting each other
  2. Seeing the effects of hard work
  3. Doing what needs done
  4. And a little more, with relish
  5. Finding pleasure and joy in everyday life
  6. Fresh homemade whole wheat bread
  7. Child thoughts and reasoning
  8. Taking care of what I say
  9. Going slowly
  10. This