Monthly Archives: January 2014

Grateful for:

1.  my cozy sock monkey blanket to wrap around me in the chilly kitchen

2.  a nice warm shower

3.  a warm hat

4.  my blue fur jacket that is a miracle of warmth

5.  warm gloves

6.  my car’s heater

7.  our neighbor who keeps our steps and sidewalks clean and safe

8.  our electric blanket — so appreciated!

9.  staying inside when it’s so cold outside

10.  appreciating weather even when it’s a bit tough

…out of the blue…

  • Out of the blue, GPa was remembering when he was a boy and his Dad took him camping/fishing and his Dad, the first one up early in the a.m., would go down to the creek, splash cold water on his face, and loudly sing, “Oh what a beautiful morning!”  What a happy memory!
  • Grapes, cantalope, oranges, apples, peaches, lemons, limes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, bananas…yum!
  • GPa’s smoothies…more yum!
  • Heavy wet snow perfect for making a snowman :)
  • Driving safely on winter roads…
  • …showing a thumbs up to the snow plow crews
  • Preparation
  • Stephanie…so very helpful
  • Carrie…going above and beyond
  • “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!” -Maya Angelou


  1. Working together with my husband to figure out an issue
  2. His unfailing objectivity
  3. Laughing when we’re frustrated
  4. Calling each other out on our blind spots
  5. Quiet
  6. Running water
  7. Time to write
  8. Breathing
  9. Stopping when I’m done, with anything
  10. This

Tonight I’m grateful for…

  1. The rewrite that will make my book better
  2. Delving into a new subject that blows my mind
  3. The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  4. “I Have a Dream”
  5. The positive changes I’m seeing all around me
  6. My new workout routine
  7. The stark beauty of January
  8. Seeing a gorgeous  red fox in my backyard
  9. My deep connection with nature
  10. Honoring my muses by completing old projects

1. God

2. Awakenings by Alia

3. Sunlight on tulips

4. Stillness

5. Talking with Cassie about appreciation

6. Varieties of orange

7. Pages

8. Scarves

9. Birds  and bird seed

10. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”  MLK


Sunday morning gratitude musings…

  1. Sleeping in after an old-fashioned Saturday night out with my hilarious husband and two wildly witty friends,  laughing until my sides hurt
  2.  Kent…a great college town
  3. Loving my poetry when I go back and read it
  4. The opportunity to comfort a friend
  5. Good, strong coffee
  6. Holding space for what is Sacred
  7. Reinventing myself
  8. Reading that our DNA renews itself every two months
  9. Being surprised with something new every day.
  10. Persistence

1. God

2. Ally ally out in free

3. (Actually I don’t remember anyone ever saying that when we played hide and seek)

4. nevertheless being found

5. something like Christa describes

6. Hearing it again

7. Echo

8. heroic strokes of the bow

9. and the blade

10 . in waves

Julie wrote one in the same maybe she meant one and the same but maybe the first