Monthly Archives: March 2014

  • Prayer
  • Freshness of our walks
  • Adjusting to DST…takes me about a week :)
  • Helicopters over head
  • Small fixed wing in the clear blue sky
  • Books
  • Maps
  • Veggie juice
  • Searching


  1. Gossie the gosling
  2. Coconut oil- smells amazing
  3. My mother in law
  4. Bragg’s spine exercises
  5. Walk without a coat
  6. Friendly librarians
  7. The Art of Learning- just started it and am already fascinated (book)
  8. Finding what I was looking for
  9. Simple solutions
  10. This

Monday Gratitude Musing…

  1. Knowing that my challenges have been custom-made to help me grow
  2. Accepting and embracing this perspective
  3. Remembering to breathe
  4. And laugh
  5. New faucets that don’t leak
  6. Generous friends
  7. A favorite mantra:  Clear space and trust
  8. Visualizing butterflies
  9. And not the ones in my stomach :)
  10. Waving at the grumpy neighbor man and feeling happy that he smiled

Thank you

  1. John Demartini, I can’t tell you how his teachings have changed my life
  2. Dear friends who teach me on levels I’ve never operated in before
  3. Softening and opening
  4. The four agreements (especially not taking anything personally)
  5. My husband, who is kind and wise
  6. Walking in the warmer weather- it may snow again, but today we have spring!
  7. Re-aligning my perceptions
  8. Gratitude for it all- both sides
  9. Especially the parts that are hard to be grateful for at first, they’re my biggest teachers
  10. This beautiful life

  • The freshness of our morning walk
  • Bursts of energy
  • Garrett’s reference links on WLG…thank you!
  • Researching various dog foods…finding one that Cookie likes :)
  • GPa’s visual aids…helpful in reading the tiny print on labels
  • Mountain Lion camping out in people’s flower box at their house
  • Handwritten thank you notes
  • Asparagus
  • What do you need help with today?
  • “Everyone needs three hugs a day to keep from being weird.” -Rita Davenport  :)

Gratitude and Grace

  1. My dear friend, Rita
  2. The two grand old buildings that she is restoring
  3. In our hometown…that I visited today
  4. My husband, who treats everyone with kindness
  5. Nostalgia
  6. Sweet memories of my mom
  7. Knowing that I am loved
  8. Good conversation
  9. This
  10. You

Big Gratitude :)

  1. Our new baby growing (we’re expecting in July!)
  2. Movement and flutters
  3. Preparing for a new addition
  4. My daughter will be a big sister- what a change!
  5. The perfect resources I need landed in my lap this week
  6. Feeling more prepared and on track
  7. Positivity
  8. Doing the hard work now
  9. Creating good habits
  10. This