Monthly Archives: April 2014

1. God

2. Pegasus came home, guess he took some kind of sojurn for a couple of days.  Walked right in and ate dinner as though nothing happened, or at least he wouldn’t discuss it.

3. Spring colors

4. This house is so much warmer thanks to all the work done by Pierre and Tony, new door, new windows, refinished basement.  We tell them they rebuilt this house, they might as well move in.

5. Jenn, our neighbor, launching a positive campaign, Think Big, inspired by Rammel, her son, who thinks about others, especially kids who can’t afford to go to summer camp should be able to, and elderly folks should have someone to visit.  So far they launched a fundraising campaign for a friend to join his swimming team.

6. Our neighbor whose name I do not remember, in the pink raincoat, loves Ella and asks for her.

7. Watching Mary feed her chickens in the morning

8. A picture of a cathedral drawn by Alan, my nephew

9. Remember


  1. My husband
  2. My daughter
  3. Our little one on the way
  4. A lovely morning with other kids&moms
  5. Getting to rest
  6. Raspberries
  7. Just not doing anything when my energy’s low
  8. Having the ability to do so- I am grateful beyond measure
  9. National Library week!!! Hooray for libraries and librarians!
  10. Now

1. God

2. Seeing Hannah

3. Tammy’s pictures

4. A white magnolia outside my office

5. Pierre and Tony came over to put back the pipe that fell over during the storm

6. Oliver was patient about it, it had fallen to rest on a rung of his fence.  If that’s the worst that happened, he told me, I’m OK.

7. During National Library Week, gratitude for some amazing library colleagues

8. David telling my father about studying biology, that they were learning about DNA.  “They hadn’t invented that when I was in school,” my father joked.

9. A purple necklace for Cassie

10. Blooming forsythia indoors and out.

11. “there was no thing on earth I wanted to possess”

1. God

2. Sight of magnolia trees in bloom

3. A friendly response to a request

4. A meditation and open hearted story from Julie

5. A poem previously unknown to me

6. Christa’s inspirational images which you can pin and print

7. David and I expressing pride and gratitude for each other

8. Alex’s successful crowdfunding project for his bookstore’s printing press, glad we could help in a small way

9. This fine publisher offers free music downloads on a recurrent basis

“[A picture] hinges on having experienced something so moving that I want others to know about it.  But emotional experiences are fugitive things, violent or delicate, and of many orders.  The line between the experience itself and the memory of it is so fragile that one must use every bit of wit, skill, brain, intuition and faith one has in order to transmute it into a work of art.”  June Wyler, quoted in Conversations with Artists by Selden Rodman

Snow what?

  1. The big bouquet of daffodils from my garden
  2. My retro horse head vase
  3. The magnificence of yellow
  4. Create Space book launch
  5. Pretty Betty Butterfly
  6. Sending outdated old habits to the cosmic compost bin
  7. Feeling the energy of the lunar eclipse
  8. Freedom
  9. Consciousness
  10. Trust…always…trust