Monthly Archives: May 2014

1. God

2. Spring nights

3. Hannah motivated to do the requirements for her program

4. Having the patience and concern to help someone

5. And suspend judgment

6. Reminders from We Love Gratitude to appreciate the present moment

6. Learning from Lindsey about the Here Year

7. And joining the Twitter party late because I wasn’t

8. Containers

9. opened and contents escaping

White coral bells

  1. Helen’s lists! Missed her:)
  2. Drawing outside
  3. Finishing a sketchbook (only my 2nd ever, I think?)
  4. Chatting with Sally, so encouraging
  5. A meteorologist friend who kept me updated on the tornado watch (she alerted me without fail right before both big storms rolled through!)
  6. Nothing coming out of the storms but rain and thunder (which my daughter said was loud :)
  7. Hearing the frogs croaking right after and knowing everything was well
  8. Lily of the Valley in bloom today! One of my favorites- put a stem next to my bed for its wonderful scent
  9. Our magic corner of the earth
  10. This

God’s constant surveillance

God’s constant surveillance

a sudden cool snap

Ruby, playing, always playing

an email whose contents made my burst out in laughter

time at the office to clean out files

finding a gift certificate

spending it right away  :)

finding a workaround with Cynthia

knowing that Cynthia and Maddie care for Mom

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. ~Coco Chanel

1. God

2. Lilacs in bloom

3. Seeds we started, putting the sprouts in the garden

4. Running water and long hoses

5. Making breakfast for Cassie (evidently Emily told her that she should get me to take her out to breakfast, and Cassie, bless her, told Emily it was even better not to leave the house.)

6. Taking Hannah and David to visit their grandmother at the library and give her birthday cards (that was Cassie’s idea)

7. Lettuce emerging. We haven’t had success planting it. Maybe this time.

8. Proud to know the names of flowers like Whitman asked “have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?”

9. Julia Fehrenbacher: her openness, storytelling and art

“Art is always visionary. Art always disturbs present realities, however satisfactory they may seem to the rest of the world.” Ben Shahn in Selden Rodman, Conversations with Artists






Creative day

  1. An Illustrated Journey
  2. Drawing on paper instead of my computer
  3. Painting with a toddler
  4. Lightning show across the sky
  5. The way the air feels hot and heavy, charged
  6. A friend who texted to let me know there was a tornado warning
  7. Rumbling thunder
  8. Friendly neighbor, whose out-of-state daughter is also expecting soon
  9. Walking in the woods
  10. This

sit with it and listen to it — let it tell it’s story

Very Grateful for:

God’s Timing

a change in the temperatures

the possibility of rain

an early morning walk with Ruby

a movie night with Amelia

a gauze skirt (wrinkles already built in!)


a quiet office this morning


There are experiences, situations, weaknesses and frailties that are huge parts of our personal story. Sometimes we don’t give those things a chance to write their chapter in our book of life because we are working so hard on erasing those chapters. Sometimes in order to help the chapter END, we have to sit with it and listen to it — let it tell it’s story. Then, when it’s done saying all it has to say, it doesn’t follow us around so much trying to take over our lives. It has finally been heard. Brave Girls Club

A happy mama

  1. My little one- this is such an adorable age
  2. My husband, who helped her celebrate for me
  3. Three blueberry bushes to plant in the forest
  4. Dinner with my in-laws at the forest, so nice when they come all the way out
  5. An unexpected gift of extra free time this morning
  6. My grandma, who I love with all my heart
  7. Sally, my psuedo mama who is actually young-at-heart enough to be a sister
  8. Every moment on this amazing, beautiful earth
  9. Fresh flowers
  10. This

Happy Mother’s Day

Very grateful for

God’s mothering of us

My mother, Miss Peggy, who is home today after a long detour

Cynthia and Maddie who offered selfless, mothering care to my mom while she was at the nursing home and the hospital

My daughter, who claims me as her mother

My dad, who nurtured me like a mother

Anna Jarvis, who began the tradition which became the holiday of Mother’s Day

The Florist Exchange who paid paid all Anna Jarvis’ bills during the last years of her life when she was destitute

Other countries who also celebrate and observe Mother’s Day (Denmark, Italy, Venezuela, Turkey, Australia, and Japan)

All the moms (and dads who nurture just like moms) here at We Love Gratitude

She needn’t be heard…. because she was known. ~Ann Voskamp


1. God

2. My mother

3. On her birthday

4. And the best thing she told me when I was young, that she didn’t mind what sort of career I chose or made of my life because “I know I’ve raised a good person.”

5. She says the right thing,  and always interesting

6. Good judgment, doing the right thing

7. A house cleaner than one’s hand

8. And she makes the best pie and chocolate cake, for me, her little butterball ( I used to go through her little file box of recipes on index cards and say “Mom, how about this,” and she would.)

9. She’s an excellent reference librarian.  Years and years ago, I watched her in action and was able to say to my brother that our mother is really good what she does.  And well into her seventies she’s still goes in and works, at least once a month. (And yes, we “talk shop.” ;)

10. Books, books and more books – she’s read everything it would seem

11. If there is evidence that the longer one lives, the better one gets, my mother is it.

Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day, Mom

And Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers
