Monthly Archives: June 2014

Silence Bath

  1. A dear, dear friend
  2. When friends really are like family (so, so rare!)
  3. The weight of so much worry dropping from my shoulders
  4. Empowered, connected, creative women
  5. Women supporting women
  6. The grey catbird, which makes my mama-heart stop every single time and wonder if there’s a kitten nearby, and now reminds me of Sally, who has a special connection to them too
  7. Mistakes as the path
  8. “There are times when I have to take, I call it a ‘silence bath,’ where I shut off all of the external gadgets. I go walk around, talk to people, and just live life for a while.” Patton Oswalt
  9. Breathing & letting go
  10. This

RIP Tibbs, you gave us so much joy


1. God


2. Tibbs, a favorite cat, who passed this weekend.

3. He was a stray brought to us through Black Cat Rescue

4. The way we could tell him apart from the other cats was his clipped here, probably done when he was caught and neutered in the wild

5. Sometimes called 1/2 ear or triangle head

6. He was Cassie’s favorite, I was quite fond of him too (Ella wasn’t, he terrorized her)

7. Tony, one of our builders, liked him, called him a street fighter.  He chased birds and defended his turf.

7. He would come and greet either of us when we pulled into the driveway, yowling, or come visit us in the garden

8. And he liked cars, just getting into them, riding in them, didn’t need to put him in a carrier

9. He liked to lie on top of a car, in fact any table or flat, elevated surface

10. Cassie made me a cat calendar for Christmas and his pictures are on it this month

11. My mother said it’s hard to give your heart away but wouldn’t you rather have than not

12. Easily the most sociable of our cats, he would not hide when company came

13. And a fascination with bathrooms and running water

2011-11-02 21.40.33

14. Good taste in reading material

2012-12-29 19.17.41


15. Whenever he stepped on my computer he launched iTunes

16. Ave atque vale, Senor Tibbies



Fun regardless

  1. Going out on the lake
  2. A little electric boat
  3. Watching three blue herons walk magestically
  4. The beauty of open water
  5. Fifteen minutes later, little drops of rain started, how pleasant
  6. Within five minutes, we were drenched and laughing (well)
  7. Then the battery for the boat died! How hilarious
  8. Luckily we had a backup
  9. And since we were only out for about 30 minutes, the nice boat rental man didn’t charge us a penny. A free adventure!
  10. This

1. God

2. A buffet exquisitely prepared by culinary students (with a decorated ice block)

3. Heidi

4. Driving directions

5. Rivers, always rivers

6. A young man with a child

7. A beautiful appreciation of a daughter for her father and her self-discovery

8. Yes, surrendering for love and care for a pet, mutually

9. Amy on a hundred thousand new things (oh to be awake for them or any)

10. Reading stories with Cassie about D Day, also watching stories on television, admiring soldiers with extraordinary courage and thinking of how it might have been otherwise


  1. Garrett’s kind words (thank you)
  2. People who care
  3. Feeling appreciated
  4. Gently pushing myself to go a little further
  5. Not playing small
  6. Laughing at myself (because I can be so ridiculous sometimes) :)
  7. Income generated through my writing
  8. Signs from the Universe
  9. Being surrounded by creative women
  10. Feeling young