Monthly Archives: July 2014


  1. My mother-in-law is over for a few days to help out
  2. My husband’s good advice, though it tastes sour going down
  3. My daughters (!!)
  4. working out
  5. Raspberry leaf tea
  6. Quiet
  7. Just…allowing
  8. Learning and growing
  9. Healing
  10. This

1, God

2. Reminders of gratitude

3. giving until the giving feels like receiving

4. Storytellers

5. Mail delivery :) whether it be in packets of ones and zeroes or packages across zones of five (or sometimes nine) digits

6. Crystal and Ava’s enjoyment of the book and Crystal sending me a picture (to confirm receipt)  It is I’ll Be You and You Be Me, which I learned about from Brain Pickings, a wonderful web site

7. Flexibility

8. Sunshine

9. Teachers everywhere

10. Rebus



  1. My husband sacrificing sleep so I could have an extra hour
  2. Which made all the difference in my day
  3. Sleepy infant sounds
  4. Heavenly infant smells
  5. Sleep smiles
  6. A surprise package from Garrett today, with an absolutely perfect book (of course!) and two darling plushies
  7. I told my husband that Garrett was the only one to point out the palindromes and he said, “well he is one of the smartest people we know”
  8. Reading about gardening that actually makes sense and seems doable
  9. A little walk down the road
  10. This

the magic wand of gratitude

Very Grateful for:
God’s myriads


Time to read a book that I chose, (as in not chosen by a professor because of the profusion of 5-syllable words)

Thinking about the idea and gift of wonder

This song by Susan Enan

the basil, rosemary, oregano, spearmint, parsley in the little potted herb garden

Crystal’s FB picture of angelic Hannah

The redolent scent of pine enveloping my walking detour through the small pine grove.

The day I acquired the habit of consciously pronouncing the words “thank you”, I felt I had gained possession of a magic wand capable of transforming everything. ~ Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

1. God

2. Kate and Josh hosting us over the weekend

3. Bringing vegetables from our garden for the feast

4. Pool garden

5. Jazz on the internet radio

6. Cassie and I trimmed the lilac bushes

7. Peeling shrimp

8. Dirty back roads

9. Exchanging pictures

10. Forgot to put money in the parking meter and did not receive a ticket so I put in coins for the next person


  1. Flowers
  2. My hardworking husband
  3. Spending time with my eldest
  4. Waldorf ways of doing things
  5. Heart connections
  6. Offer of clothes for my youngest, hooray
  7. The breathing of sleeping sisters
  8. The way things are
  9. Listening
  10. This