Monthly Archives: October 2014

Happy Halloween

  • Tricks or Treats :)
  • Costumed people and animals everywhere we went today
  • Witches (good, of course) :)
  • Little children in their cute kittens and princess costumes
  • A ghoulish woman with red blotches everywhere….oh my…
  • My pumpkin earrings
  • Buying lots of treats for the kids tonight
  • Looking forward to seeing the happy Halloween kids all dressed up to “scare”
  • And…we have warmer weather for all the little goblins :)
  • Time

Evening musings

  1. Suddenly realizing that I’ve created some neat stuff
  2. And there’s more where that came from
  3. Meeting my new “Marketing Muse” (he just now popped into my head)
  4. My imagination (from which my Muses emerge)
  5. A wonderful creative team
  6. My brilliant friend who gives me inspiration and great book suggestions
  7. My husband’s sense of humor
  8. Feeling half my age (sometimes)
  9. Taking care of my health
  10. A new sense of self-commitment


  1. Middle of the night writing
  2. Being honest with a friend about what’s on my mind
  3. Mail arrived a day early
  4. Creative space
  5. Beauty routines with my toddler
  6. A small walk, love being out in the air and wind
  7. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  8. Staying with joy
  9. R&r
  10. This


  1. Subtle and not-so-subtle changes
  2. Expanding my awareness
  3. New self-care practices
  4. Turning back the clock even as I move forward
  5.  Luminous Energy Field
  6.  New ventures
  7. Language(s)
  8. Exciting plans
  9. An incredibly relaxing drive in the park
  10. Soaking up the colors


  1. Stepping into a higher zone
  2. And staying with the joy
  3. Believing differently
  4. Giggling and giggling
  5. Dancing instead of worrying
  6. The energy that comes when I stop worrying or complaining
  7. Preciousness
  8. Sychronized deep breathing of sleeping babies
  9. My eldest’s new command of language
  10. This


  1. Creative inspiration
  2. Time to practice it
  3. Time with Mark
  4. A long walk
  5. Watching Ava and Mark ride the lawnmower and her steer
  6. Leaf jumping
  7. A sleepy baby
  8. A dear friend who said pull the (metaphorical) trigger
  9. Anticipation
  10. this

The last loveliest smile

Very Grateful for:

God’s opportunities

The distinction between blessings and opportunities

An uncharacteristically kind comment from one of my professors

Khan Academy vids to help me understand Stats

Discovering that West with the Night by Beryl Markham was available free with Kindle Unlimited

Teeny, tiny flowers on the basil plant

Amelia, quietly washing all the dishes while I typed in a frenzy


The kind girl at Starbucks this morning, early, who graciously listened to me say “hope you have a nice Wednesday”

Autumn. The year’s last, loveliest smile. ~William Cullen Bryant