Monthly Archives: October 2014


1. Our kitchen- I am in my element these days, cooking, baking, trying new things

2. Kombucha bottling day- love to chat at the scoby and tell him what a great job he’s doing (yes, I’m home alone with the kids a lot, why do you ask?)

3. Brisk autumn walk

4. Our wonderful neighbors, they are so hard-working and friendly

5. Finished a hat for A, starting one for H

6. Books that take me to other countries

7. Music, too

8. NZ Orange roughy with orange sauce- was so rich and delicious I could hardly believe it

9. Baby giggles


Clouds and Skies

Very Grateful for:

God’s companionship

beautiful clouds

successful travel: 6800 miles and 8 flights in 7 days

talented pilots

someone to sit by in church

seeing family friends for the first time in 30 years

remembering my password

an extension on my stats assignments

getting through a day-long meeting without my forgotten glasses

We’ve got to live no matter how many skies have fallen ~D.H. Lawrence


  1. My grandma
  2. Farmer’s market
  3. A full crisper of apples
  4. Baked apple slices (for dinner, after a late lunch- perfect)
  5. Reading cookbooks
  6. Overnight soaked steel-cut oats
  7. Much Ado About Nothing
  8. Rain
  9. Leaves spilling open
  10. This

In memory of Br. Thomas Shaw, SSJE

1. God
2. To you for tirelessly working towards a more open, affirming, compassionate church and world
3. For welcoming our family
4. For supporting Sarah throughout the ordination process
5. For blessing the pink house
6. Meeting you at the monastery and your kind whisper
7. For your kindness after Sarah made the change
8. For your embrace of Cassie and our family’s second iteration and your beautiful wedding gift
9. I was dismayed when you insisted that Sarah, who is now called Chris, take a leave of absence because of her/his next transition, it seemed punitive; and I was also moved when years later you acknowledged how your thinking evolved into acceptance (long road for us all, perhaps)
10. For your death with dignity, surrounded by your brethren, with reflections expressing sadness and above all, gratitude.

1. God
2. Apples
3. watching potentially harmful emotions take a roll and presumably go elsewhere
4. Batteries
5. and things that seem to fix themselves
6. Closeness
7. “Eat cake every day because it’s someone’s birthday”
8. Decorations uneaten

  • So grateful for my granddaughter and her wisdom…I continue to learn from her
  • The Alchemist…reading it again
  • Rites of Autumn…the fall festivals
  • The colorful leaves blowing across the road and swirling everywhere on a lovely warm autumn day
  • Parrott Confectionery and their yummy caramel apples
  • The great festive picture of Carol Bailey Floyd with the colorful pumpkins :)
  • Ryer and Aven having so much fun on their hayride
  • The Korean Vet at the eye clinic who, after receiving his eye care, was headed to dialysis…and he was so positive and cheerful to everyone
  • Losing myself in the array of cards at Hallmark

1. God
2. The Halloween decoration competition among our neighbors is fun to watch
3. Persistent zinnias
4. Woodpecker
5. Cassie usually spots these birds before me
6. Hannah and David
7. Reaching within
8. Orange and yellow and vermillion