Monthly Archives: November 2014

Inner calm

  1. Staying cool
  2. Especially when everyone else isn’t
  3. Not tolerating what doesn’t need to be
  4. Mama boundaries :)
  5. Letting rants and steam valves be what they are- learning from them, and moving on
  6. Art
  7. Things to do if you look
  8. And ask
  9. Listening to the inner voice
  10. Yes

  • Honoring our Veterans on this Veterans Day and every day!
  • Gratitude to military families for their sacrifices and support.
  • Thank you, Abraham, for your 38 yrs. of service!
  • On Nov. 11, 1938, Kate Smith sang “God Bless America”…
  • …if you haven’t already heard it, try Utube…it’s great :)
  • “America is the greatest country in the world.  There’s never been anything like it.  We’ve got to keep it going.  I wish the whole world could be like it.”  -Mike Sass, 89 yr. old WWII Veteran

Upper Limits

  1. Recognizing upper limits (a la Gay Hendricks’ The Big Leap)
  2. Turning to face the joy of the new level instead of focusing on the drama of the limit
  3. And being hugely rewarded!
  4. Laughter
  5. A friend’s breakthrough
  6. Visualization
  7. My toddler loves to sing and it’s adorable
  8. Unexpected surprise
  9. Having exactly what I need
  10. This


  1. Loving what is
  2. Asking questions that bring me back to present
  3. A beautiful card from my grandma (with a secret door!)
  4. My daughters
  5. My husband
  6. Finally getting it, bit by bit
  7. The opportnity to sleep
  8. Interesting dreams
  9. Mags for miles
  10. This


  1. Being in the zone
  2. Not zoning out
  3. Listening to my inner truth
  4. A friend who is on the same path (and SO inspiring)
  5. Nice lunch with in-law ladies
  6. Many hands to hold the baby
  7. Letting mess happen
  8.  and then cleaning it all up
  9. Sticking to my routine
  10. This

My path

I’m grateful for my path, and that I’ve received all that I’ve asked. The perfect leather pack strapped on my back, endless will to complete the tasks.  Each time it’s time to buy I listen to the voice inside. Over time I’ve trusted it to guide, me to the next necessity to survive. My, have the gracious gods complied! With the silent promise to provide,  enough supplies that I can  strive to bring the dream alive. Thou shall not forget  the family I call mine,  the furry dragon by my side, my companion, spirit guide.



1. God
2. Gratitude finds you
3. Learning from Laura that the average bear is smarter than we thought, elephants have remarkable communication and emotions (maybe they dream of music,) and other non-human traits that belie human uniqueness (and aloneness.)
4. Hearing what I could not hear before
5. Not minding
6. Letting someone else figure it out
7. November
8. Company of cats
9. A dog with his own destinations and people who care for him and are happy to see him