Monthly Archives: February 2015

1. God
2. Gratitude feels good
3. Kindness feels good
4. Feeling good inside
5. Late to the event and needed what I needed to hear and then the lesson was over. Or had it just begun?
6. Rooms
7. Entrances
8. Naps

Bright saturday

1.  Sunshine warming the frigid temps

2.  OrgNizing clothes for florida trip

3.  Excited to think spring is on its way

4.  Peace with my son in spite of the circumstances

5.  Practicing ” I choose to see this situation”differently , course in miracles workbook

6.  Practice and showing compassion

7.  Help from my manager and releasing my preferred outcome not so easy for me

8.  Loving support from my best friend.

9 thankful for the gift of this day. And to you for sharing your thoughts


  1. Fresh and exciting ideas
  2. Great conversation with my inspirational friend
  3. A fun flurry of text messages
  4. Resources to get things done
  5. Lake Erie’s ice gleaming in bright sunshine
  6. White on blue
  7. Good news
  8. A happy hubby
  9. Finding something I thought I had lost
  10. Letting go


1. A completely flattering request
2. Doing great work with great people
3. Social emotional learning
4. Quiet time
5. Seeing changes I’ve never seen before
6. Aka paying close attention
7. Mentors and inspiring people
8. Trying things, and letting it go when it doesn’t work out (even learning from it, hopefully)
9. Attaching my work to my values and noticing amazing results (a la John Demartini)
10. A compliment from my husband

1. God
2. Karen took my early morning call and answered my questions
3. Paul showed up prepared with ideas and lists
4. Not upset by a surprise
5. Megan taking time on the phone to help fix my problem logging in
6. Donna sees to things, and quickly
7. Eric is invaluable
8. Accepting that sometimes the answer is 0 for now


Roses in a little vase upstairs
Small fixes
Beauty in the midst of transition
Beauty anytime
Baby asleep on my chest
The accident right behind us didn’t hit us
Identifying an upper limit symptom and moving forward
Martha Beck’s Joy Diet book
Writing down desires and getting to the root of them
Commitment to me

  • My granddaughter who gives me peace
  • God’s protection
  • Answered prayers
  • My sister’s new residence
  • David stopping on interstate to help an elderly man who had a flat tire
  • Challenges
  • Thoughts
  • Strength
  • Family healing
  • GPa’s yummy homemade granola :)


1. Getting back to our morning routine after being off…

2. Smileys in my book :)

3. Farm fresh eggs

4. My boy feeling better

5. Letting him ease back into the swing of things

6. My husband walking my dog for me <3

7. Saying no

8. Sugaree, fresh from the groomer

9. Listening to my body