Monthly Archives: February 2015


Doing something that I’ve always wanted to do
The joy of eating
The joy of cooking
When my plans get derailed
Things working out
Slowly, exquisitely eating chocolate
My daughter asking why my eyes were closed “because it’s delicious”
Watching the snow fall and the fire crackle
Holding a baby

Snowy saturday

1. Searching for the positive

2. Beautiful friendship

3. Enjoying a good book

4. New shrimp recipe. Time to cook something new

5. Freshly ground coffee, a weekend treat

6. Thankful for each person who takes time and thought to post; you are appreciated

7. Multiple showers since our main shower continues to freeze

8.  Thinking about upcoming trip to Florida. Hope it warms up.

9. Thankful for the gift of another day.


1. God
2. Tony who cleared the snow and ice off of the roof and as a bonus shoveled the debris which had fallen
3. Pierre for the referral, and everything else
4. Heather and Tina who prepared food, set up and cleaned up the party
5. Good fortune in dangerous driving conditions
6. 88 keys (and sometimes 96)
7. Arco or pizzicato
8. Pedals
9. Scales
10. The piano is an orchestra


Quiet after a long day
New benchmarks
Really good chocolate
Getting clear about what I want (chocolate is on the list, of course)
Figuring it out
Improvising, and loving the result even better
Kale in garlic & butter
Pinterest, and all things searchable

  • Zig Ziglar’s messages :)
  • GPa’s talking scales…one for body weight (hmmm, a voice tells him what he weighs)…..
  • …..and a food scale voices the ozs. pounds, etc.  Nice!
  • A welcome phone call from my childhood friend who lives in Florida…
  • …surprised to learn that we were having springlike weather for so long, so unusual!
  • Watching a nice tv program about hummingbirds
  • C’s amazing experience of singing angels
  • Hearing about a variety of new beginnings
  • Career challenges
  • “Mothers are the first teachers their children know.”   -Maya Angelou

1. My sweet boy’s creativity…We’re discovering his knack for creative writing (even though he claims to hate it).

2. A fellow homeschooling mom who is taking the time to work on his report writing…What a gift!

3. Swim champs begin this evening…The end of the season is in sight!

4. Packing healthy snacks

5. Sugaree’s persistence

6. Using video to fix errors in form

7. Peace and quiet

8. Taking the first step

9. Breakfast for dinner

10. The sun is shining


1. A whirlwind day when all of Ohio wanted to see our house
2. Thankfully Mayra let us come over and spend hours
3. Her daughter C so patiently and lovingly spent time with A, who of course adores her to the moon & back now
4. The roads weren’t too bad coming home
5. Mark rescued my ring when I left it on windowsill
6. Sticking to what’s important even when rushed and out of my element
7. Actually handling things pretty well
8. My sweet girls who make it about as easy as they could for being a baby&toddler
9. Friends and places to go
10. Every moment of this

Post anniversary

1.  Romantic celebration at a beautiful inn

2.  Peaceful watching the birds in the feeder. They are very busy in the morning

3. Stillness

4.  A beautiful loving anniversary card so kind and loving

5.  How to capture the moment?

6.  First morning cup of coffee

7.  Connection

8.  Love

9. Blessings to you for a fun and joyous day.

10. Thankful for the gift of the day