Monthly Archives: March 2015

Monday in March – It’s been a good day

1. My struggle on the guitar seems to loosen up

2. So nice to look at an old photo of me and my sister – it is summer, we are very young and look stunningly happy.

3. My youngest son has met love officially – and my God he deserves it.

4. I chose some very easy cleaning task today after listening to my exhausted body.

Joy and lightness in stead of struggling.

5. I am getting better at ending phone calls  – in an natural  straight way. Takes me by surprise, and it feels so good to have this authority.


Simply subtracting what isn’t working
My Hannah’s health, after a tummy bug
A day of no-thing but care for her
My mother in law, who is compassion personified
My husband’s arm around my shoulders
My dear friend’s calls, texts, and amazing vibrational frequency ;)
Who also keeps me young and young-thinking
Finding my true north
Not taking on stress that would lead away from it
Rose’s good news and joy- hooray Rose!

Sunny sunday

A very happy guest at church today with a sunny and big heart. She loved our guest shell necklace hopefull she will visit again

Thankful for the use of a friends s u v

fun sweating with a new neighbor and a unity friend  lots of energy among 80 fellow exercisers  this exercise circuit generated a feeling of intense energy which resulted in house cleaning

beautiful tulips blooming indoors – smiles

carols spring dance around her big tree – what a loving group of wise and fun women

Spring decorations with festive vibrant colors add to the event – it was all good

feeling the benefit of gratitude  and this post

Happy my son has made a decision to move forward in life – San francisco here he comes

sooo excited my best friend is coming next month to visit  – soul sisters who are soul connected

Very thankful to be a part of helping hearts group;  learning so much from others and grateful for their big loving hearts

Planning a movie night with Dottie to see Cinderella, i especially love rose, the character from downton abbey.  I can still remember the theme song from 50 years ago

Sending loving energy to each of you


Things could have been worse

  1. Watched  tv – stunningly  beautiful landscapes and wild animales in Finland, and from Sweden – a poorly guided nursinghome aiming to transform into being the best home in Sweden.  Together with mum.
  2. Inner kid time , in the new  30 – 40 cm snow  – angelmaking, cravling like a bear, treehug, and resting by the open stream close to our house.  This private little wilderness is becoming dearer and dearer
  3. The online program Happify  has some soothing and uplifiting activities.
  4. Fresh wild fish from this area for dinner.
  5. Decaf ecological coffee, almonds and dark chocolate are better than medication

Love is all around

1. Sharing a  good laugh with my mum –  watching a Tv program called “Everything is allowed”.

2. Sharing long eve talk on the phone with an dear old friend

3. A close friend is moving closer

4. I am ready to relaxe and enjoy even more

5. Saw my son get a warm hug from a girlfiend – and enjoyed his appreciation for the meal i brought with me in the car

1. God
2. Energy
3. Serendipitous spring
4. Even with snowfall
5. My father instilling in me a love of music, mostly by osmosis
6. My mother always has something interesting to say
7. I love this story and this is a wonderful expansion upon it

  • Loving the first day of Spring!
  • Hearing the robins singing very early this morning :)
  • Not having to wear a jacket
  • Mindfulness
  • Hummingbirds
  • A beautiful yearling darting in front of our car…and going slow enough to allow her to pass
  • Spring has sprung, the grass has ‘riz, Virgil’s lawn, he’s mowing his:)


– 1st day of Spring has arrived!!

– Ladies lunch with the boss’ wives, paid for by the boss :)

– Gorgonzola cheese and homemade linguine

– Friendly smiling waitress’

– Co-workers who do what they can to keep me stress free on Friday afternoons.

– Beyond grateful to have KS as a friend.

– Law clerks.  They work HARD!

– Ottawa Senators keeping the dream alive for the fans. (only the kind fans)


I love contrasts

1. Reading other posts – and see how similar we are on the inside

2. Watching  the total solar eclipse on tv today from Svalbard, and partly here. To be able to  see the sun corona suddenly appear so  clearly  –  made both me and mum speechless.

3. So wonderful with a morning here where the media has been that enthusiastic on the   Event – Mother Nature is still ruling:0)

4. Tibetian bells music recleansed my heavy tired head this afternoon

5. Sunny or  snowing  sunny and snowing simultaneously all day  –  Both is fine


Cleaning for the buyer, envisioning everything lovely for him, remembering how excited we were to move in
Planning ahead
Dropping stories
Realizing I was thinking about something unpleasant and then remembering I could think about something else
Having a halfhearted intention, and it came to pass
Connecting with my toddler
Loving myself enough not to push myself into exhaustion
Keeping my important daily rituals
Small wins
Chatting with my father-in-law