Our heavenly Father, all fathers, and all fathers-to-be!
My sister went to church with her daughter
The generous lunch provided at church for all parishioners after Mass to celebrate Father’s Day and it included my dad’s favorite food!
Seeing that very personable, humorous, and “everybodyness” quality that both of my parents have
My sister has been more patient and kind lately
Jesus was praying with me today! I was praying my post-Mass conversation with God when suddenly the words that came out were not my own. I heard it first, and then no longer than one second later I was saying it to God. It was as if Jesus was praying through my mouth and with me, which has happened multiple times before. Today He said, “Help us to carry your love to all.”
When I woke up this morning, I was thinking of how love naturally makes us want to give. Then I started to think about all the things that we can give. We can give time, prayers, our listening ear, our full attention, acknowledgement to someone that we are listening to them and that we care about them, words of reassurance and peace, comfort, encouragement, positive words of strength, hugs and warm affectionate resting of our hand on someone’s shoulder or back, holding someone’s hand, our friendship, forgiveness, we can play with them, we can make someone laugh and tell jokes, we can provide help for them, give necessities such as water/food/shelter/clothes/shoes/linen/toiletries/money/books/etc., give them a ride somewhere, help them carry things, fix something for them, help them find something, cook for or feed someone who can’t feed themselves, hold someone’s arm while they’re walking with a walker on the other hand, visit someone when they’re sick and see what we can do for them, giving directions to someone who is lost, healing, gifts, handmade things, etc. After that, I went to Mass and during the homily, God responded to my giving list and told me that the most important thing we can give to others is ourselves, and that is precisely what God gives to all of us. God gives us His very self through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and now every day through the Eucharist. Then I thought about Luke 10:38-42 and that if I ever have my own home and have guests over, I should not be concerned about making sure that they are dining with the finest plates, bowls, forks, knives, cups, etc. or sitting in the finest furniture or eating the most upscale foods or drinking the best wine there is. These are all worldly things and none of it matters. We don’t want to help others focus on the material things in life, but to focus on what is lasting, what is permanent, i.e. God, our relationship with God, our spiritual purity and holiness, the state of our soul, love, kindness, joy, peace, forgiveness, etc. The best thing I can give them is myself.
Receiving good advice from a real estate agent
My mother took us out to celebrate Father’s Day and I got to see my uncle!
So much food in the fridge! Thank you God for your abundant providence!
My next door neighbors have relatives visiting them and I got to meet and talk with them! They are wonderful! :)
Seeing children love one another, get along with one another, give to each other, play with each other, share, make each other feel loved and welcomed, how they appreciate and deeply value and take care of the gifts they receive from other children, and how they learn to give because they first received someone else’s giving. I learn so much from watching children love each other. We learn to love because we first received love from God directly and indirectly when God loves us through our parents, friends, relatives, teachers, mentors, neighbors, priests, nuns, coworkers, cashiers, and even strangers.
Love this list!
Thank you Crystal!