Monthly Archives: July 2015


  1. My Hannah took a couple of steps to her dad today!
  2. And we made a big decision to back out of an offer we had on a house
  3. Which was a big relief, as we discovered it wasn’t quite what we thought
  4. It inspired me to re-create the gardens (the owner had three large ones) at whatever home we do buy- it’s great to see what’s possible
  5. I’m grateful my eldest is so sweet and caring
  6. And for friends who listen and give advice
  7. and for unfailing love
  8. and great books
  9. and pausing to reconsider
  10. and sleep


1. Trying on lives- imagining how this or that would feel
2. Realizing how good financial security feels
3. Even though the flashy stuff is within reach- it’s not worth it
4. My husband’s wisdom in deals
5. Opportunities waiting for us
6. Quiet for awhile as we think and search and plan
7. Options
8. Our family first- always.
9. Calm
10. Joy

Itemized Deductions

Hubby asked how I felt and I said do you want the itemized or standard answer. Let my gratitude be both.

Thank you that I got up walked downstairs and back up. Thank you that I am mobile.

Thank you for the evening out for $5 movie night. Mighty Minion Magic

Laughing out loud

Thank you for big popcorn and a large drink.

Thank you for the kindness of the staff when that huge drink spilled.

Thanks to the gentleman next to us who bought hubby a new one

Thanks to the management who brought him one too. We were twice blessed

Thanks that my rash is responding to benadryl and hydrocortisone Rash go away come back never!

Have a joyful day



1. God
2. Chance
3. Finding Peabody in a cool spot in the garden
4. finding Peabody in a cool spot in the house
5. Cat x 4
6. Jewels
7. Open door
8. Transitions and shifts in tempo

How can I keep from singing?

Thank you Lord for this place where we are encouraged to sing out our gratitude

Thank you for music, the soft and sweet ,the loud and overpowering and every note in between

Thank you for musicians They fill the world with song!

Thank you for the variety of musical instruments. Woodwinds,percussion,brass

Thank you for the technology that let’s us listen to the performers

The wonderful anthem we make when all voices are singing their part

The joy of hitting the note

The power of the song

The directors who patiently go over it again and again

Sing ,sing a song, sing out loud,sing out strong. Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear ,just sing .sing a song.    Sesame Street