Monthly Archives: September 2015

the risk to continually hope

Very Grateful for

God’s  surprises
Something (good) and unexpected in the mail
two on-time flights (rare- alert!)
time to read a new book- Al Roker’s The Storm of the Century
a scholarship
sweet potato corn chips from Trader Joe’s
finding a garbage disposal for less than I budgeted
Ruby’s happy twirling
the risk to continually hope
the A.C. keeps on working!

The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water. ~Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Thank you God for September 7, 2015!

  1. Getting to sleep in, then waking up to pray, and then reading a good book for a few hours… It’s a simple day, just the way I like it, but also a day full of wonderful treasures!
  2. Being called by God to hold an evangelization booth at a local festival, knowing what God’s will is, and Him giving me everything I need to do it
  3. Sold an item on ebay!
  4. Cheese and popcorn, and cheesy popcorn!
  5. Nice, warm, fluffy rice!
  6. God gave us beautiful scallions, chives, and green beans this year in our garden and there were many days during the summer when He watered the garden for us!
  7. Walking up to the window at just the right moment to witness a large flock of birds gathered on top of the garage roof!
  8. Discovering new vegetables I have never seen before at the Farmers Markets
  9. Cooking shows

Thanks for Labor!

1. First job was at a local ice cream parlor in high school.
2. Next was in a bookstore.
3. Secretarial work at a university and then a bank.
4. Best labor of all — giving birth to Maribeth and Kevin! Hooray!
5. So much fun staying at home with them in their early years. Sesame Street, strollers, library story hours, playing on the floor — being with them was a labor of love during what I call “My Glory Years!”
6. When they were older, it was Sears, part-time.
7. Then had my own needlework store, Threadbender’s, for about 6 years.
8. Worked at my sister’s bookstore for a while.
9. Onto an advertising agency.
10. Working in various bookstores for almost 20 years.
11. Amazingly into the mental health field, which was beyond my wildest dreams!
12. Now semi-retired, volunteering in an art gallery, a library, a performing arts center, a Threshold Choir (we sing for people in palliative and hospice care), facilitating at local crisis centers for teens, and spending time with grandsons and family. Hooray! Yippee yo yo YO!

Happy Labor Day!

1. God
2. Discovering a farm that is now a state park. Peabody met a goat, right up against the fence. He ignored the hutch rabbits, however, to our surprise.
3. Abundance of sunshine
4. Acknowledgement
5. Decomposition book from Cassie
6. Musical in speaking voices
7. Jennifer for opening up her lovely home and coffee afterwards

  • Hooray! David and GPa went lake fishing this morning
  • Thrilling when the line zzzzziiiiinnnnnggggssss…
  • …and the fish dance on top of the water…
  • …awesome and fun…
  • A 6# and several 4# :)
  • A special experience of joy by father and son :)
  • We’re having Fresh Montana Rainbow Trout for dinner tonight! :)


1. 8
2. Grace
3. Taking our time making decisons
4. T visiting all evening, love her
5. My tribe
6. Seeing where I can change things, hopefully for the better
7. Incredible opportunities
8. Expanses of space
9. Options
10. You, writers and readers of wlg, I love you all.

  • May the
  • sun bring you new
  • energy every day.
  • May the moon softly
  • restore you by night.
  • May the rain wash away your worries…
  • May the breeze blow new
  • strength into your being.
  • May you walk gently
  • through the world and
  • know its beauty all the
  • days of your life.

no interruptions / just quiet

Very Grateful for

God, working out a way when I see no way
a new set of stretches to do for my neck
a few degrees cooler
an upgrade
remembering things (memory is so awesome)
Dad’s accepting spirit
the quiet spaces in our conversations togetherpeople who do not interrupt
Quietness is an essential part of all awareness. In quiet times and sleepy times, a child can dwell in thoughts of his own, and in songs and stories of his own. ~Margaret Wise Brown