Monthly Archives: October 2015

wednesday perseverance

1  spreadsheet work with the help of my husband; lots of columns, must stay focused and forge ahead to completion

2.  meditation required to stay focused; such a wonderful way to clear your mind

3. talks today; so interesting  sandrine thuret: you can grow new brain cells.  Here’s how.  very interesting and enlightening

4.  another TED talk that is worth listening:  Martin Pistorius: how my mind came back to life–and no one knew   very inspiring how one statement made a difference which is a good reminder for me

5.  living with an open heart

6.  why greed when some have plenty but want more

7.  my son managing his team of 22 year olds–8 out of 11 are female; he said he feels like their sorority leader.  too funny

8.  thankful for the gift of this day, for each of YOU!!!!

Thank you God for October 13, 2015!

  1. Officially off meds today for the 1st time in about 2 years!
  2. Blood test, urine test, and complete blood count were all fantastic!
  3. Got to celebrate with family today and have langoustine for the 1st time in 2 years!
  4. Popcorn!
  5. Getting to enjoy the most delicious grilled organic chicken sandwich I’ve ever had!
  6. God’s perfect timing- from sleeping in to going to the lab at the hospital to going to work to getting off of work at the perfect time to realizing God’s plan for me this week and how perfectly He has planned everything out!
  7. Today’s audition and having fun!
  8. Having the support of my friends and seeing old friends again!
  9. Being reminded of how important it is to have an intimate friendship with Jesus
  10. “Once Upon A Time”

fall is here

1.  beautiful fall weather, gorgeous colors

2.  success working with the committee proposing an updated security system for the condo owners

3.  Smile meditation that I haven’t tuned in to for some time; very uplifting

4.  Concentration improves with meditation

5.  positive surgery results for my friends 3rd knee replacement (same knee)

6. good friends

7.  Opening to more

8.  thankful for the gift of this day and for the ability to post

  • Lovely autumn day….crisp, fresh air, 40 degrees this morning
  • Raking pine needles, 6 huge lawn/leaf bags
  • Barbara’s “docsie” Coco is getting better each day
  • “The world needs more tackle boxes and less Xboxes”…GPa likes that one :)
  • White Cane Day at Fort Harrison
  • “Those who see with their hearts have 20/20 vision.”
  • Henry Ford’s  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”