Monthly Archives: November 2015

Grateful Monday

I’ve been up three hours and haven’t taken the time to be grateful.

May the business and busyness of my day not interfere with my gratitude.

I am warm. I am dry. I am inside. I have a winter coat should I need to go out.

I have a purpose. I have a plan. I am flexible when things change.

I am easily pleased. I am contented with a little. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of others.

Grateful to fulfill a Christmas wish.

Grateful for Thanksgiving when the laughter and stories filled my soul. The food is secondary to the companionship of friends and family

Thank you

  1. The Nutcracker with my eldest and grandma and T&G
  2. Meeting one of the incredible dancers afterward and realizing he knew my MIL
  3. Music
  4. Inspiration
  5. Being in a calm place to make decisions
  6. An idea borne of necessity
  7. The Christmas season
  8. Movement
  9. Letting go of rigid ideas
  10. Accepting what is

1. God
2. Floors
3. Ceilings
4. The mail
5. Bill and Michel inviting us over. Michel and I laughed loudly and often. Bill was in a bad mood but gave me a hug anyway.
6. Fine details from the blade and machine
7. So much time, too many books
8. Time and temperature
9. Vanishing point

Thank you

  1. Unexpected encouragement
  2. Joy in trying new things
  3. Help from the woman I call the “Swiss Army Knife” of Periscope
  4. Book orders from lovely people, and books shipped off to them
  5. A rainy evening walk
  6. Sending cards
  7. Inspiration for something bigger than me
  8. Figuring it out as I go (parenting is one)
  9. Loud and funny moms at the library today
  10. Hugs

Thank You

  1. Hearing the chorus of my family’s voices in speakerphone
  2. Warm weather to take the girls out in
  3. Great meal by my in-laws
  4. Egg nog (not the spiked kind)
  5. Seeing mindfully
  6. Open Focus Brain exercises
  7. Checking my ego
  8. Protecting my babies
  9. When to say when
  10. This day, this moment