Monthly Archives: November 2015

Best wishes

Reading Birthday wishes and thinking who is this wonderful person?

Having a Birthday greeting waiting in my inbox Thanks Carol!

the wind is howling birthday greetings

There is no present like the time Give a little away

Halloween decorations are down Best Witches

Welcome to the season of gratitude!

wind and leaves

1.  enjoy the red birds flying around in the wind; they aren’t the least bit bothered

2.  Happy Birthday to our creative, insightful Mary Ellen!!

3.  happy to spend the night with Island Girls exploring Cleveland and just hanging out together

4.  thankful for my customers

5.  thankful that I will see my youngest soon very soon – and pray maybe the older one

6.  grateful for a less evasive  diagnosis on my foot

7.  Thankful for the gift of this day, each moment – it is all GOOD

Early in the morning

Starting the day with gratitude instead of grumbling

Organizing my thoughts what do I need to do

Organizing myself to head for work and being glad I can make money

Food in the freezer Peanut butter on the shelf

Hot water for a shower

The delicious sip of coffee

Prayers for those who are healing or hurting


Say it!

The extreme importance of telling people you appreciate them

The ripple effect as others follow

The get well card

The thinking of you card

Birthday wishes

Sharing joy

Sharing grief

Shared struggles

Choose one person you are grateful for and let them know today!

For Crystal

1. God
2. Because you started We Love Gratitude and my happy fortune to discover the site and be welcomed and encouraged by you
3. For your love of Marc and bringing Ava and Hannah into the world
4. For your values
5. For your spiritual practice documented here and exercised also in Creative Spiritual Women
6. For your artwork which exhibits your ability to see the humor in things and not take yourself too seriously
7. For your welcome and encouragement of all who post their joy and sorrow on these pages
8. For your kindness and empathy
9. I know the world is better today and each day because you are living in it
10. Thank you seems scarcely sufficient, Crystal, so imagine if you will a chain of thank yous reflecting all our interconnectedness and emerging anew each day.

November is a grateful month

Saints in my life

The privilege to vote

Thank you veterans! You served your country.

Hubby’s birthday -mine soon!

Pastor Appreciation went well

People who say yes!

A day off to organize my thoughts

Grateful for the furnace and heater in the car

Thanksgiving decorations are up

Thinking about the menu

Ordering my grandsons presents. Choosing free shipping because Christmas is so far away.

That’s November in a nutshell! Hope every day is good for you!

Pastor Appreciation

Our Pastor Jonathan Rumburg is totally committed to his wife , his family, his congregation and God.

He balances the struggle to juggle his commitment to all of them.

His presence at Church events,visits and representation

His determination to lead us onward

For his comforting words

For his sense of humor

For his dedication to the youth

For his patience with Church politics

His door is always open and his ear is ready to listen

So early in November before the traditional gratitude. I say Thanks Jonathan. I’m glad God sent you to us! May He strengthen you daily!