Monthly Archives: February 2016

1. God
2. “the exhilarating moments after birth, when two souls meet” Katrina Kenison, though in this post she is talking about spiritual kinship with a grown woman. Still it made me think of(remember?) the sacred phenonmenon of birth.
3. People who share their time and attention
4. Rose
5. Jean G.
6. A cold bright sunny day
7. Accepting the stuckedness in traffic because I will get somewhere eventually
8. White tulips with a purple tint from Cassie
9. Canvas

Thank you

  1. An incredible gift, a custom cabinet craftsman has a desire to create for us far beyond our budget
  2. Long days, short days, but each day is a gift to be alive
  3. Finding the things that make me smile, cry tears of joy and inspiration, or just love outright
  4. Telling the stories I want to tell instead
  5. Brilliant, creative young minds
  6. Endlessness, or seeming it, and then realizing it changes so fast
  7. Finished reading Hanagarne’s World’s Strongest Librarian, very good, and I prefer the World’s Greatest Librarian, Garrett Eastman. And I would like to read his memoir, hint hint. 
  8. H received a new teddy bear shortly after Garrett sent the girls a book, so we named the bear Bearett, after him, and this makes me smile everytime I see it
  9. My eldest can read a house plan, though not yet words, this also makes me smile
  10. Playing outside


Rose has been quite excited about the play that shows a women’s alternate lives if her choices were different. Rather than speculate on what might of been I shout to the universe , Thank you for planting me where I am! I will bloom!

Thank you for my hubby. The rocky roads,the straight paths and the nights of togetherness that is true peace.

Thank you for my children. My oldest is strong and capable. My middle is hardworking and funny.  My youngest has found a balance of work and love. The lost sheep has wandered far away but he is a good person.I am proud of them!

Thank you for my grand children. One is my sunshine. One is my shining star.

Thank you for enough! We will never be rich except in the things that count.

Thank you for my home. Blue shack by the track.Our shack!

Thank you for my Church. God is everywhere but I can find Him fastest in the people at First Christian Church of Stow

Thank you for music and laughter. Thank you for smiles and friends.


1. God
2. Good advice
3. Looking to see as much of the moving picture as possible
4. Acknowledging how easy it is for me to get caught in the details
5. Restraint
6. Alternate routes
7. Even in wind and rain
8. Surprised by trust in me – of course, I want to reciprocate

blowing Thursday

  1.  Fun watching the big white flakes moving east to west/north or south;
  2. happy spring is only 23 days away
  3. feeling peaceful due to taking time out for meditation
  4. getting go of fear and releasing to faith
  5. paying attention to food intake; much too easy to increase intake and add the pounds
  6. As stated by TUT, thoughts become things.  It’s important to create positive thoughts
  7. I visualize joy, peace, love, abundance and thankfulness; very simple, but effective
  8. Thankful for the gift of the day
  9. Blessings to each of you

  • My wonderful and amazing family….God’s Blessings!
  • Lunch with Cathy and Deedee….totally fun :)
  • Did you know that the Helena, MT, Macy’s is the smallest on the planet? :)
  • “Girl shopping”….smiles, laughter, energy
  • We three also exchanged books ….
  • Sydney Banks and the 3 Principles
  • “The Enlightened Gardner” & “The Enlightened Gardner Revisited”  –  Sydney Banks …
  • ….where he takes the reader on a visit to Torquay, England…seaside town, English Riviera…
  • …Palm Trees in England!?! :)

1. God
2. I was told there would be cake and there was
3. Accepting ignorance
4. Wind and lightning so the bed was crowded with Peabody and Pegasus
5. debris on the porch thankfully no broken glass or anything
6. I don’t count my blessings enough so clearly i need a refresher in math
7. Someone who comes to see me rather than using phone or email